broker: How to increase the bust line!
- 05/30/08 10:23 AM
Bust lines in business is the last thing all of us want to increase. The Bust Line in business equates to bankruptcy, out of business, done, over, nadda, whatever you want to call it, you are busted. As our bust line gets closer the party is over in this case. Real Estate Professionals in most cases create their own bust line by not taking the B.R.A. approach. BRA? Now you are scratching your head I'm sure. (B.R.A.) *B = Being *R = Real Estate *A = Active How to increase your Bust Line. Don't learn how to Blog.
broker: $$$ HOW TO $$$ Adding the Free Lead Generating Wish List program to your Blog page on Active Rain.
- 05/27/08 06:00 PM
The LEAD GENERATING WISH LIST can now be added for FREE to your Web Site or Blog page on Active Rain. This is not your "Typical" Lead Generator. Your site produces the lead, you are the only one that receives the lead, and there are no fees involved at all. If you look on the right side of this blog page you will notice the hyperlink that reads "CLICK HERE TO CREATE YOUR DREAM HOME............. FREE Online Wish Lists streamline your Home search. Wish Lists for Existing or New Construction Homes and Condominiums (High Rise Included) and Rental Dwellings." A potential buyer completes a Wish
broker: Please welcome Diane Griffin to the Active Rain family.
- 05/15/08 12:09 PM
I would like to introduce Diane Griffin, our newest Active Rain member. Diane is a phenomenal Broker with Keller Williams in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have had the pleasure of doing business with Diane, and her attention to detail and a focus on service is second to none. Diane is driven, but always has the time to stop and chat like a human without the feeling that she is rushing the conversation. Its one of the great traits she possesses. Please take the time to visit Diane's profile page as well as her web site Thank you in advance for welcoming Diane to our Active
broker: Trump University Online Real Estate and Business Courses
- 04/23/08 04:57 AM
I had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Paul Quintal, VP of Trump University yesterday in regard to our program. Paul was very energetic about helping Real Estate buyers and Professionals succeed in the Real Estate World. Trump University was started in 2005. The mission they follow is: "Our mission is to teach you success.The best courses and programs + an impressive list of been-there, done-that faculty + an ironclad guarantee = a really powerful resource for business education and professional development." Stop by the Trump University web site and see the vast amount of resources from home buying to investing that may
broker: Real Estate Professionals are Dream Makers
- 02/28/08 11:30 AM
Dreamaker: to search, provide valuable information, secure and present the Dream Home. Every Agent is a Dreamaker! Sure, the availability of information for buyers on the Internet seems like all the buyer would need these days. But in reality each of us can read up on surgeries, vehicle repairs, rocket building, you name it. I know I wouldn't do any surgery on the ones I love by following the Internet, or repair my cars engine, or think that I could be a rocket scientist. Much of the Internet Real-estate information is vague enough to cover just about any state, county or city. When it
broker: Personal Budget Calculator for the buyers to use
- 02/18/08 06:50 AM
Before a buyer makes the decision to go house hunting they should do their "home work" first. Utilizing a Personal Budget Calculator will help determine current expenses. These are the numbers that your mortgage lender will be looking for when you make the initial application for your mortgage. Knowing your current expenses will help streamline the ability to maintain your new mortgage. Becoming married to a home due to previous debt eliminates the fun things in life. Getting your debt in line will eliminate the stress of home ownership. Do your "home work" and reap the benefit in the long run The Personal
broker: New Construction Wish List, Are you using one?
- 02/12/08 12:44 PM
How would you like to remove the biggest obstacle in selling, bidding and building new homes and condominiums? One of the most frustrating parts for the agent and builders, is bidding a new home for a client that is getting multiple quotes. Unlike commercial construction where the spec sheets are completed by architects, engineers and interior designers, home building spec sheets are figured out as one goes along. Home builders and agents gather information from the potential client by asking questions, writing the buyers needs down and then trying to produce an accurate quote. The problem arises when each builder isn't bidding apples to apples. If the client neglects or forgets
broker: Rate an agent or a builder
- 01/25/08 03:18 AM
Before searching for a home or condo, start off the search by teaming up with a Professional agent or builder that is compatible with your personality and needs. The best approach is to conduct interviews with each agent/builder you choose by utilizing the same question form for each interview. During the interview, rate the professional to determine the best choice in the agent/builder that meets your needs and requirements. Once the interviews are complete, enter your ratings into a agent/builder rating program (See demo). You will find that the top licensed Professionals will have no problem being interviewed and rated, as long as the interview is conducted consistantly between
broker: When the Home Seller exposes their fangs!
- 01/16/08 04:09 AM
There's nothing worse then the fangs of a seller being exposed. Today's market has produced more tension between the Seller and the agent. Seller's want lighting fast action when it comes to the home they are looking to sell. Today, it's most likely not going to happen. Longer listing periods where a property nearly becomes stagnant are getting pinned on the agent. The fact is, no matter how much advertising dollars an agent throws at a listing, or the hours invested in open houses, just doesn't cut it today. Seller's have to understand that the agent wants the home sold as bad
broker: Bad News for the Real-estate Industry, Good News Needed.
- 01/12/08 06:20 AM
How do you escape the bad news of the Real-estate industry? With all the negative news floating around about the industry it's going to be up to the Real-estate Professional to counter act the situation. The only way to get some positive news produced is by preparing news releases. Good news doesn't get posted as quick as bad news, we all know this is true. But when an agent or company does some thing good for a client, community or the industry they have to gloat the news to the world. Bragging, yes maybe, but the cold hard fact is the Real-estate Profession has
broker: I'm a lover not a fighter
- 01/11/08 04:44 AM
I'm a lover not a fighter. I threw in the towel on Real-estate sales, and moved over to the service side of helping the Real-estate Professional and their clients streamline the buying process. I loved working with the buyer's since 1978. I loved seeing the smiling faces of the customer when they found their dream home. I loved when that same client referred their family members and friends back to me. I loved when they returned to the office when they decided to move up the housing ladder. Helping the buyer shop for their home was my solution for going to the mall. My expertise was
broker: Opposites Attract, so true with the "Home Buying Couple"
- 01/05/08 07:49 AM
Are your buyer's scratching their heads, wondering what home to buy? With the current buyer's market, taking the steps to be pro-active instead of re-active is the key to a happy client. A happy client is a referral base for sales down the road. And happy clients happen when outstanding services are provided. Agents, it's time to remove the head scratching frustration from your buyer's house hunting life. By utilizing a home selection program to streamline the housing choice, a client won't have to second guess their decision. You, their agent will become the marriage counselor they will have avoided because of the service you can provide. There's
broker: The Real-Estate Professionals Daily Work Out.
- 01/03/08 03:20 AM
Real-estate Professionals get a work out daily, building their broad shoulders. Many of complications, blips and missed closing dates get laid upon their shoulders. After reading a frustrating post on DeAnna Woody Blog of trying to get her first transaction closed, I couldn't help but put my thoughts in writing. DeAnna is running into a delayed closing due to many parts of the puzzle not fitting together. Guess who is taking the heat? In Real-estate the transactions from start to finish is much like a production line. One piece missed or delayed to build a transaction can put the entire process into a tail spin. Some
broker: Welcome to the Open House, argh.
- 12/26/07 02:54 AM
Open House's, some love em, some hate em, but they are a necessity of the Real-estate world. Seller's in most cases choose the Real-estate Professional that will represent them based on the pipe dream of numerous open houses the agent promises to hold at their home. I've ran into quite a few agents that don't feel open houses are the ladder to success, but still most conduct them because they feel it's a customer service that needs to be done. True, every once in awhile the agent is lucky enough to find that special buyer for the clients house. These are the bonuses for
broker: Blame Game of Life
- 12/24/07 03:34 AM
Is the "blame game" part of life with someone you know? The blame game comes in many forms. It has become easier to point a finger at the many aspects of whats happening in the economy. Meanwhile there are four fingers pointing right back at us. Blame Games I've heard lately are: The economy is taking away my buyers.My marriage is suffering because of cash flow.The mortgage industry change has limited the homes I'm able to sell.The President has created this entire mess.I don't get any referrals or leads.Business and life aren't fun any more.My Broker isn't doing enough to promote the company.All I
broker: Home Buyer's Christmas Poem
- 12/21/07 05:06 AM
Buyer's Christmas Poem 'Twas the night before Christmas, and in need of a houseThe buyer was stirring, just a computer and mouse;The thoughts of Dream Home with chimney they dare,In hopes that a Realtor soon would be there;The children were nestled all snug in their beds,While visions of their own rooms danced in their heads; And mamma in her robe, and I in my perch,Had just logged on to Active Rain to conduct our home search, When out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter,I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter. The rental units plumbing had sprang a big leak,A call to the landlord, he informed me the plumber would be there
broker: Give a gift to your fellow Real-estate Professional here on Active Rain.
- 12/21/07 04:04 AM
It's the season of giving. Now's the time to give your extended Active Rain Family the gift of a "Tip". Tipping during the Holiday Season is not uncommon. We all give a little monetary or food gift to co-workers, the postman, newspaper delivery person, our favorite server at the restaurant, and now the Real-estate Professional. Even though my tips to my extended family here on Active Rain don't come in the form of monetary, it does come with sincere gratitude and thankfulness. My "tips" to you: Smile and the world will smile with you. Plus it keeps others guessing what you been up to.Treat others as
broker: Real-estate agents worked to the bones
- 12/19/07 05:52 AM
Working yourself to the bones is not uncommon for the Professional Real-estate Agent. It's time to work smarter-not harder! If you are an outside the box thinker and care about the clients well being, read on. With the influx of homes on the market, the Real-estate Professional has more demands placed on them to locate the right place the buyer will call home. Many buyers are touring 30+ homes in this buyer's market. Thereby wasting precious time and gas. So how does an agent streamline the touring process? The simple solution is by utilizing a detailed walk through check list that allows the buyer to refresh
broker: Stand out from the crowd of Professional Real-estate Agents
- 12/17/07 03:44 AM
With the amount of Real-estate Professionals all working towards the same goal of landing listings, buyers and clients how do you stand out in the crowd? Today, the Professional has to dare to be different, or risk the fact of appearing to be the same as every other agent they compete against. Look closely at the Sandhill Cranes above, if you had to choose which crane is the top bird, how would you decide? Would it be the one with it's head held high? Or maybe the one with it's bill down to the water? How about the crane in the center, watching what the others
broker: Sellers need to spend money to make money before listing.
- 12/12/07 05:32 AM
Sellers, by taking the time to invest a little money and time in your home before listing can be repaid with better offers from buyers. So many times the seller assumes that a buyer can see past the small repairable items within their home. What they don't understand is by taking the additional time to complete these small task in advance, the offers they will receive will be more appropriate to meet their selling price. A little paint can go along way to spruce up a cold or worn room. It's what the buyers view as they tour the home. Having scuffed walls or