121 Years ago, in a time when Cattle Barons ruled the state of Texas to 4 Diamonds Today! WELCOME to the Driskill a 4 Diamond Hotel in Downtown Austin Texas!
The Texas Chili Parlor has been located at the same Establishment since 1974. It is about 1 1/2 blocks from the Texas State Capital Bldg. It is also about 2 miles from the campus of Texas University. It has long been a favorite of Texas Legislators and University Students. Located at 1409 Lavaca
oink, Oink, OINK! This weekend it the 29th SPAMARAMA in Waterloo Park, Austin Texas! this is a festival that has been going on now for 29 years. Two guys got to gather and decided instead of a chili cook-off or Barbecue cook-off they would make it more challenging by creating dishes , games, etc.
Austin is known not only for music but the Atmosphere around the lakes. Below are some of the places to go!1.The Oasis at Lake Travis is a restaurant that lies in tiers 450 ft above the lake. Every evening folks go out to Lake Travis to sit at The Oasis to watch the beautiful Sunsets on the lake!
Austin Texas Home of the Armadillo! Austin has been know for years and years as the Live Music Capital of the World! Part of that claim comes from the 70's when the Armadillo World Headquarters was the place to hear music from the Clash, Willie Nelson, Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen, J
I received this from a friend and thought how true it is! I wanted to share with all of you! I home everyone enjoys it as musch as I did and I know you can relate to it! Enjoy! Was this not the truth guys? This covered jsut about every situation that
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...or could we say all roads lead to Austin Texas. Austin years ago built one of the most modern International Airports in the country! The Austin Bergstrom International Airport. http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/austinairport/ This was to help Austin in the future growth
The good guys..the Austin Sheriff's Department is doing something good by contributing to someone in the community that is endeared in the hearts of many. They are rebuilding the home of Geneva Johnson fondly known as Granny. Seems Granny has been giving to her community for years and now she is
Bury+Partners Inc. has moved into the downtown Chase Tower in Austin and Land Design Partners has taken over the floors three, five, six and a portion of the basement. Expansion for to accomodat thier customers that are also in Downtown office buildings. http://austin.bizjournals.com/aus
Condo's,Condo's,Condo's seem to be in the news again here in Austin Texas. With around 35 different projects already underway this week we see announcements of one Real Estate Firm that is already dealing with the sale of many of the Condos in some of these projects are now opening a second offic