Back in the 90's the apartment market in Austin was at it's peak averaging probably around (95%-98%) occupancy. The rents were at a all time high and you could bet your paycheck that your rent was going to go up every year! Then around 2000 or so there were several apartment projects started, thu
If you have seen the movie "Friday Night Lights" or watched the TV series. You know it is about high school football in Texas. Specifically about a high school team from Midland Texas. The school is Permian Basin HighSchool and they are known as The MOJO'S". They are known as a very fierce and c
One of the most popular community's In the Austin area is Mayfield Ranch in Round Rock Texas. It has stayed in the most popular of community's since it 1st opened in 2003. It has one of the most natural settings possible with nature trails, tree's. Williamson county park surrounds two sides and a
Manor Texas a sleepy little town 12 miles Northeast of downtown Austin Texas is known mostly for Manor Downs one of the few Horse tracks in Texas and a Down Home Restaurant called the 290 Cafe. In 2000' Manor had 1,204 people and by 2005' 1,877 people. Manor is continuing to grow. There are at le
There are 3,700 named streams and 15 major rivers that meander through 191,000 miles of Texas Landscape. The Colorado River one of the major rivers of Texas, it is the longest river in Texas and the 18th longest river in the United States. Named for the reddish color of the water. Colorado in Spa
Many of you may not know but in the Central Texas - Austin Area there are 7 lakes in succession along the Colorado River (Another Story) They are called the Highland Lakes. They were all built in the late 30's all the way up to 1960 by the Army Corp. of Engineers. The late President Lyndon Baines
In the past 6 years Austin has been among the 20 fastest growing metropolitan areas in the united states. Job growth is averagin around 26,000 jobs per year and unemployment is down around 3.8%. Along with low home prices an a high quality of life this is driving people from across the nation int
Economists are saying Realtors in Texas are better off than Realtors in some areas of the country. With the down turn in sales and the implosion of the Subprime market some areas of the country are experiancing dismal results in sales and higher levels of inventory due to short sales and foreclos
This is for Sarah! Sarah is West Virginia's Premiere Real Estate Agent and treats all her Clientle with special care! She is the ultimate real estate professional! Also She's such a Dog lover! She constantly strives to get people to treat pets with dignity and love. She has posted many articles r
The Backyard..ahhh the great American escape. A place where at the end of the day we a go to relax. Our back yards give us sanctuary from the rest of the world. The one private place where our children can play, we can have Barbecue's, invite our closest friend over to. We can place pools in them