Have you put togather a list, chart, or matrix of people in your sphere of influence? If not you should it could be your path to success. I think that we all have several spheres and typically under estimate them.1. Our Family2. Our friends3. Our aquaintances4. Our peers5. Our business contacts6.
Hi, just wanting to let all the realtors in the Greater Austin area know that we just opened a new office in Austin at 9225 W. Parmer Lane, Suite 106. It is located just past the intersection of West Parmer Lane and 620 on the south side of the street. I want to invite all of you to come by and v
Moving can be very exciting...but it can also be a bit of a pain as well. Besides packing and unpacking, there is a long list of details to be handled. Things like choosing a mover, connecting utilities, getting Internet and cable service, or subscribing to newspapers or magazines in a new area c
Famous Real Estate Quotes Will Rogers "Find out where the people are going and buy the land before they get there.""A Realtor is an old fashioned Real Estate man with a neck tie. A Real Estate man sold you what you wanted, a Realtor sells you what you don't need. A Real Estate man showed you what
Like most people I would assume the surviving spouse! But guess what. Ehh!I saw an article that showed an example: A deed to a home is prepared identifying your clients, the Smith's, a married couple, as joint owners. One year later Mr. Smith dies. Mr's Smith discovers to her dismay that she has
I think most agents probably show their appreciation to their clients when they purchase a home by giving a housewarming gift. Being a male agent I find it hard to buy the typical fruit baskets. A bottle of wine sounds ok to me but what if your buyer doesn't drink? But if this is the type of gif
My name is Danny Smith - Of course Smith is one of the most common names in the world! My Dad was the baby in a family of 10 children. You think that's bad? Well let me tell you my Mothers madien name is Jones and she was also the baby in a family of 10 children! I have so many realtives you can'
Austin is a legendary, lively city and a great place to live. The five-county region is known for its Hill Country scenery, historic communities and laid-back lifestyle. Talk to anyone who has resided here and you are bound to hear " I wouldn't live anywhere else!" Austin is an oasis in the heart
When to Buy, When to Sell, & When to Walk Away Wouldn't it be great if we could truly know when to buy, sell or walk away from a specific real estate deal? We all know real estate can be extremely profitable or very costly. As REALTORS® how should we prepare ourselves to best position our client
"Good Fences Make Good Neighbors" but what about a Bad fence? What if the fence has been there a long time and is dilapidated and falling down? Who is responsible for repairing it? What if it was there before you moved there? Is it up to your neighbor to repair it or can you intervene?1. Talk to