Choosing the right real estate agent can be pretty difficult if you think about it. Typically speaking not much thought is put into picking the agent you choose to work with. In fact if effort is put forth in choosing the right real estate agent to sell your home, even less effort is put forth in...
In a seller’s market, most people putting their homes on the market want a premium price and chances are they can get it. Over the last three months, we have visited many sellers who were thinking about putting their homes on the market. Most of them asked this one simple question, “What is the t...
Listing Details Cherry Creek County Club Estate For Sale in Denver 2705 S. Boston Court, Denver, CO Price: $2,195,000MLS number:8714653Bedrooms: 5Bathrooms: 7Square Footage: 7218 Call the Colorado Dream House Team at 720-446-6325 to see if this property is still available and arrange a showing....
When you choose to sell your home you probably have a realtor in mind for the job. In fact, we are seeing more and more sellers interview multiple agents for the position of marketing and selling their home. What most sellers don’t realize is the amount of work that actually goes into selling a h...
I had the pleasure of working with Infinity Homes last year for a client who was looking to purchase a property in Conservatory Green within Stapleton. Infinity Homes is the highest priced home you can buy within Stapleton, and it also has some of the best finishes you’ll ever see in a home. Infi...
The future of bank owned property is probably a bit different than one would have expected. Currently, properties that are owned by the bank are listed with a relo specialist, and the property is managed by an asset management company (AMC). The AMC takes care of the property till the date of clo...
If you’re anything like me, you love being informed about the major events going on in the city. In Denver, there is so much excitement going on around us. Whether it’s a new restaurant opening, a cocktail event, fundraiser, new art exhibit; you name it and this city has got it. Here’s a breakdow...
Let’s face it: moving is stressful for everyone involved and sometimes it’s hardest on the kids. Moving to a new neighborhood or even a new state means leaving your friends, maybe some family, and your familiar territory behind. For parents trying to help their kids make the adjustment, there are...
There is no question that Denver enjoyed a good start to the selling season. The combination of low inventory, good prices, low interest rates, and pent up buyer demand has most brokerage firms well ahead of last year’s numbers. Even the luxury market is doing well. If you look at the data from M...
Last week, we began a two-part series on Builder Contracts. In Part One, we discussed how the builder contracts are not the same as the Colorado Real Estate Commission approved contracts. We also discussed that buyers cannot and should not expect to receive the same protections and contingencies ...