I want to share this article from the Bay State Realtor® written by Stephen M. Perry ESQ,. It is always good to be reminded to think before we open our mouths or rush to answer. Also, we as Realtors®, need to perform our own due diligence on any seller property we represent or property we are sho
Holy Moly! In 1985 when we purchased our home I never would have thought or even believed the interest rates would be where they are today! I almost fell off my feet when one of our sons called and told me the interest rate he just locked in on a refinance of his home. 2.75% 30-year fixed!! We pa
One thing this COVID-19 health crisis has done or is doing is changing how people work. Companies and their employees are finding business still works when employees work from home. They may even be more efficient AND with the potential of workers opting to leave the cities for the suburbs or eve
Now that we're into August I decided to show the July SOLD statistics for our little New England town of Georgetown, Massachusetts. The market is still strong driven by high demand and low inventory. Included in the numbers are Single Family, Multi-Family, Condos, and Land. As you'll see there we
The answer to that question is YES, demand still exists in the housing market. Will it continue to exist? Demand never really goes away, sometimes it's greater than other times. It's the inventory that's hurting us now. That and this virus that has most people unnerved (some more than others). Un