What do Samhain (pronounced sah-win), Pomona - Roman goddess of Apples, Celtics, Druids, Witches, Wicca, Pagans, Christianity, Spirits, Guising have in common? They're all part of the history of Halloween...ANDIt's tonight!! Halloween has arrived. The harvest is in and winter draws near and it is
Leave it to a Professional Home Stager to come up with this idea for Halloween wear. I found these costumes that Sharon designed to be extremely creative and shows a GREAT reason to use Sharon Tara as your personal Home Stager. Years ago I created some wearable coffins for a Halloween costume.
I was puttzin around my AR site when I saw this draft post I wrote last year and apparently never sent out! DUH!!! It's almost that time of year again. Halloween is right around the corner and child safety is always a concern. I found a site called Safe Kids Worldwide(TM) that put out suggestion
I was puttzin around my AR site when I saw this draft post I wrote last year and apparently never sent out! DUH!!! It's almost that time of year again. Halloween is right around the corner and child safety is always a concern. I found a site called Safe Kids Worldwide(TM) that put out suggestio
I was puttzin around my AR site when I saw this draft post I wrote last year and apparently never sent out! DUH!!! It's almost that time of year again. Halloween is right around the corner and child safety is always a concern. I found a site called Safe Kids Worldwide(TM) that put out suggesti
I was puttzin around my AR site when I saw this draft post I wrote last year and apparently never sent out! DUH!!! It's almost that time of year again. Halloween is right around the corner and child safety is always a concern. I found a site called Safe Kids Worldwide(TM)that put out suggest
I still run into people that believe they are required to have 20% of the purchase price for a down payment on a home purchase. I field this question from 1st-time buyers to older folks who are down-sizing and haven't purchased a home in a number of years. The answer to the question is...No… You
Good Morning, it's a fine Saturday morning in Northeastern Massachusetts. The air has a cool snap to it, the leaves are falling AND it's time for the Erie 4 Fire Department's Pancake Breakfast and 4 Mile run. (Do those 2 go together? LOL) The Erie 4 Fire Dept is our countries oldest private volun
...That put me over the top.Today is a special day for me. One the things I like about Active Rain is the group of Real Estate Industry professionals and those who provide services to the Real Estate industry. I have learned much and I thank each & everyone who has, whether you know it or not, pa
I found this graphic from KCM to be an informative and an easy way to get the process into the hands of my clients, especially 1st-time buyers. I send via email and include it in their buyer packet. The Mortgage Process: What You Need To Know [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights: Many buyers are purchas