These are the days the we wont really remember for a while. Maybe you recall, maybe you dont. however, our mens ice hockey teama hasnt beaten the Canadians since 1960! I grew up playing hockey some I know how important it is to the US that we beat Canada. Most of you recall the "Miracle On Ice" w...
Tiger - My main man. Made a few mistakes. Were only human right? Funny enough. His statement about how he felt like he worked hard enough that he deserved all the temptations that came his way. I think that might be something a lot of people who become very wealthy and famous feel entitled to. Wh...
WHEN A real-estate agency hadn't sold our house, we decided to do it ourselves. I placed ads in the local papers, spray painted a "For Sale" message on a sign board and posted it outside. When my husband came home that evening, he told me, laughing, that my sign was the most truthful one he ...
The Importance of Blog DesignBlogs have increased popularity over this past months. Many people have started to create their personal blogs to express their thoughts and feelings. Internet companies have also started their blogs to inform consumers on the latest product news and reviews.Because...
Alexa Ranking Tool:Alexa is a very powerful tool used to rank web site traffic. Find out how your web site traffic stacks up against all your competitors! This is one of the most accurate freely available tools to find out how well your site ranks up against millions of other sites on the Web. "...
If you have read anything about SEO then you will already know how vital having a good and unique title on your web pages can be. It is by far the most heavily weighted element on your web page and overall your home page is given the greatest weighting so it is even more important to choose a ve...
There are three important elements that make up the database and finding of relevant material by search engines. From the inputting of words, the search until the hierarchy of results, there is a process that is mathematically formulated and produces the links and sites that suit best.1. The web ...
If you were writing a textbook on SEO linking circa 2001, you almost certainly would have included a chapter on web directories. They used to be the primary way of actively acquiring one-way inbound links, before content syndication, blogs, or the paid link market really took off. Web Directories...
Why Directories Are ImportantDirectories should play a major role in your SEO efforts, well, at least the big and important ones, for the following reasons:- Listings within major directories provide "context" to search engines. For example, if your web site is listed in the Open Directory Projec...
With more and more companies realizing the importance of online marketing on the internet, it has become very important to get quality SEO services at low prices. A common problem that many web masters face is the high expenses of the quality SEO services. With no other alternatives left with the...