Humor - Missing person report to authorities  Some Hump Day Humor...I received this from a friend and thought it was too good not to share...hope you enjoy it, too.  Husband: My wife is missing. She went shopping yesterday morning and has not come home!  Officer: Age?   Husband: I'm not sure. So...
Did you know…Ways to stay warm during Cocoa Beach winter One of the best things about life in Cocoa Beach is that we enjoy mild winters with occasional cold snaps that usually last about three (3) days. Cold weather gives the locals a chance to wear their “winter clothes” and when It arrives this...
Our Cocoa Beach weather is running hot and cold Yesterday our high temperatures were in the 80’s with low temperatures around 70*. Last night we had some rain and a cold front arrived from up north. It was 58* this morning with low humidity and a cool breeze, quite a change from yesterday! The lo...
Thankful for the Cocoa Beach Cool Down! – Day 6 of Gratitude November has been warmer than normal here on Cocoa Beach with unseasonably high temperatures some days but today a cold front came through and our weather is finally starting to cool down. We are finally seeing more seasonal, fall like ...
Veterans’ Day 2018 Meals and Deals  This year Veterans’ Day falls on Sunday, November 11th, and is observed on Monday, November 12th.  To help thank veterans and active duty military for their service, some stores are offering special discounts when you show your military ID, discharge papers, or...
Thankful for the beauty of it all – Day 2 of Gratitude They say the best things in life are free and I agree completely. One of my favorite things is watching the sunset and we are treated to some fantastic sunsets here on Cocoa Beach.  After a long, hard day at work there is something about watc...
Thankful for our beautiful Florida weather – Day 1 of Gratitude  One of the things that appealed to me and my husband when we moved to Florida many years ago was the fact that East Central Florida has three seasons. After living up north and enduring the long, cold snowy winters, we were ready fo...
More humor from children As I read this, I was thankful that I am not a teacher. I would never be able to keep a straight face with answers like these! You have to wonder how the teachers do!Take a few minutes to read these and start your day with a smile!   
Don't forget to fall back! DST ends tonight! It's that time of the year again...Daylight Saving Time ends tonight so remember to "fall back" and turn the clocks back an hour tonight.That means we get back the hour that we lost earlier this year when it was time to "spring ahead". How will you use...
Don’t panic when your phone sounds an alarm today…it is only a test Today, Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 2:18pm EDT, (11:18a.m. for those of you on the West Coast), there will be a test of President Trump’s new Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system. AT 2:18pm Eastern time today, an alert will cau...

Diana Zaccaro Broker Associate

"The Accidental Blogger" Cocoa Beach, Florida
smartphone(321) 537-7855
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