For those that are looking to have more successful and expedited closing I have put out a form on my website click on link that has Short Sale Information Checklist, this helps in having the home owner gather their information and can assist you too. After working with
It has been awhile since I have written a blog posting, so if it appears rusty it is... we are beginning to do more of these short sales here in the Seattle area so thought I would let everyone know as tough as they are we are having successes with our new systemized process. With one of our deal
Hello Everyone, I was watching this on CNBC with Diana Olick. This will be something to follow if someone is looking into bankruptcy and what the new Bill being passed through the House and moving to the Senate. Click on link below. Here is
Very interesting news! Freddie & Fannie's regulator unveiled a plan that could cut payments for hundreds of thousands of struggling homeowners to help reverse defaults. Homeowners facing foreclosure who are spending more than 38 percent of their income on mortgage payments could have monthly pa
New Fed Fund Rate and other News! October 30th, 2008 2:48 PM Wow! The Federal Reserve has lowered the rate down to 1%. We have not seen this low of a rate since the technology bubble in the beginning of the the decade. There is talk that they might again lower in the ending of the year. This will
Why is this a good time to buy? August 20th, 2008 8:40 AM With the mortgage rates dropping over the last few days this has allowed you to be able to have more purchase power. Homes have been sitting on the market longer, this gives you the (buyer) a stronger negotiating position... ask the seller
Click on this youtube video see how easy it is! An agent that signed up had a buyer over the weekend! Great idea and an invention.... this really does go after generation "Y" they want the information right now!
We had one of our realtors list a home 2 weeks ago with even though the flyer box was out of flyers, our agent had received 2 text messages that otherwise might have missed out on an opportunity to get the home sold. The agent called the person who text on the property and the agent st
Botext - What is This? June 26th, 2008 10:07 AM This is for Realtors/Builders or anyone who is out there trying to sell your home! BoText gives you an extension for your listings that a prospective buyer can text to and then get a response with details about the house that you want them to know a
Where to find best price on gasoline June 7th, 2008 9:06 AM Hello Everybody, This website was passed on by a colleague of mine Bob LaCount who is an appraiser in the Greater Puget Sound area, as we all have witnessed gas prices are getting to pinch all of our pocket books. I hope this website can