Denise Says - Coaching & Advice for Real Estate Agents

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Education & Training - The Lones Group, Inc.
Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.



Letting Go and Learning to Delegate When I first started selling real estate, I was a young "whipper-snapper" who wanted to set the entire industry on fire. I had it all planned. I was going to be the Number One real estate agent in America - no, the WORLD! - and I was going to do it alone. Bein...
Don't Chase Rates, Create Opportunities Today I want to give you a market reality check. So, recently, agents have been telling me that they are getting frustrated because the feds are not reducing interest rates. Now, here's the reality check: I don't want any agent out there to ever have to wa...

Denise Lones

CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
local_phone(360) 527-8904
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Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.