Denise Says - Coaching & Advice for Real Estate Agents

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Education & Training - The Lones Group, Inc.
Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.



Need Inspiration and Results? When was the last time you were inspired by something new that you learned for your business? Something that actually got you from thinking, something you could implement that would drive your business forward? Maybe something that took you away from investigating o...
Take an Election Year Media Diet Today I'm talking about diets. Not a fun word! However, we all need to go on a media diet right now and be very careful about what we are looking at, reading, listening to, watching on TV and consuming from the internet. I'm telling you, right now, we need to go ...

Denise Lones

CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
local_phone(360) 527-8904
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Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.