Denise Says - Coaching & Advice for Real Estate Agents

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Education & Training - The Lones Group, Inc.
Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.



Resolutions That Should Be at the Top of Your New Year's List Every year in January real estate agents look to the past year for clues about what worked well for them and what they could do better. It is a time of revitalization and slate is wiped clean of the previous year's wins and losses. It...
Don’t Let This One Challenge Ruin Your Plans If you have done your business planning for 2014, you should have developed a list of tasks that you want to accomplish - both the ongoing tasks in your business (such as following up with your database each and every month, perhaps open houses twice ...
The Property Purchase Analysis: A Smart Assessment Tool for Homebuyers Real estate agents wouldn't list a house without doing a CMA for the seller, but many agents who work with buyers don't provide an in-depth analysis prior to writing an offer. While some agents do take the time to run some st...
Automatic Listing Information: To Send or Not to Send, That is the Question! Ask most agents and they will tell you that they love the ability to send their clients listings through their MLS.  How easy and streamlined it seems to be to just click a few boxes and then voila! - the client receive...
Your 2014 Resolutions: One Small Adjustment Can Bring Big Success! Welcome to 2014! I love this time of year - so full of promise and dedication to making some changes in your business! I am thrilled about what is coming up for our industry in 2014. My research shows that this will be another st...

Denise Lones

CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
local_phone(360) 527-8904
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Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.