Need Business Now? Lead Generation Challenges vs. Buyer and Sellers on the Fence I was asked the following question last week, and although I had the question slated for an "Ask Denise", I felt the answer warranted an entire Zebra Report as this is something that seems to come up time and time a
12 Easy Blog Ideas For those of you who have "Create a Blog" on your 2013 To Do List, you know that creating the blog is just the first step. Last week I covered the great things that a blog does for a website. This week I want to talk about developing a blogging plan and give you some ideas to
Blogging: How to Get Results from Your Real Estate Website When I talk about blogging with my coaching clients, one frequent question always comes up - why do it? Many agents have heard that it's a good idea, but they don't really get why it's such a great idea. Over the past year search engines
What Will 2013 Bring? 2013 is only a few days old, yet it has ushered in a huge economic harbinger with the bill to circumvent the fiscal cliff, signed by the President just hours ago. While approval of these tax cuts for 98% of Americans coupled with curtailing automatic deep spending cuts (inc