Denise Says - Coaching & Advice for Real Estate Agents

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Education & Training - The Lones Group, Inc.
Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.



Need Business Now? Lead Generation Challenges vs. Buyer and Sellers on the Fence I was asked the following question last week, and although I had the question slated for an "Ask Denise", I felt the answer warranted an entire Zebra Report as this is something that seems to come up time and time a...
12 Easy Blog Ideas For those of you who have "Create a Blog" on your 2013 To Do List, you know that creating the blog is just the first step. Last week I covered the great things that a blog does for a website. This week I want to talk about developing a blogging plan and give you some ideas to ...
Blogging: How to Get Results from Your Real Estate Website When I talk about blogging with my coaching clients, one frequent question always comes up - why do it? Many agents have heard that it's a good idea, but they don't really get why it's such a great idea. Over the past year search engines...
What Will 2013 Bring? 2013 is only a few days old, yet it has ushered in a huge economic harbinger with the bill to circumvent the fiscal cliff, signed by the President just hours ago. While approval of these tax cuts for 98% of Americans coupled with curtailing automatic deep spending cuts (inc...

Denise Lones

CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
local_phone(360) 527-8904
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Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.