Southeastern PennsylvaniaSoutheastern Pennsylvania is a geographic region in the state of Pennsylvania that does not exactly correspond to counties within the geographic region, but is usually defined by county for convenience.Southeastern Pennsylvania is part of the Piedmont region encompassing
I grew up in Chester County and so I had the regular experience of eating scrapple with eggs for breakfast and sometimes for lunch (in a sandwich) and I vaguely remember even a few times for dinner.It was usually served thinly sliced, about a quarter inch or slightly more in thickness and grilled
Advanced Access' Virtual Office (currently v4.0) provides a very dynamic environment, in terms of allowing you to make changes anytime you desire which are immediately implemented and viewable as soon as you hit the "Save" (or "Save and Continue" or "Save and Exit") button.Everyone knows it's imp
Southeastern Pennsylvania's climate differs from the rest of the state. This it due in large part to the Appalachian Mountains that outline the region which most of us from that area are familiar. Southeastern Pennsylvania is part of the Piedmont region, lying at the foothills of the mountains,
The State of Pennsylvania has established 5 main types of governing municipalities that are incorporated and recognized within it's counties: cities (several classes), boroughs, townships (several classes), towns and home rule charters. There are 2,567 municipalities in the state.A "Village", oft
When looking at the year-to-month (using the most recently completed month of January) actual statistics by year for Philadelphia County (City of Philadelphia), the results by year, for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows:Yr En
When looking at the year-to-month (using the most recently completed month of January) actual statistics by year for Delaware County, the results by year, for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows:Yr EndingJanuaryUnits ListedUnit
When looking at the year-to-month (using the most recently completed month of January) actual home sales statistics by year for Chester County, the results by year, for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows:Yr EndingJanuaryUnits
According to Advanced Access's Corporate Information Page:"ADVANCED ACCESS has been serving the real estate industry since 1998, and has widely been recognized as an industry leader in Website development, hosting, e-mail and Internet marketing for real estate professionals. They currently work w
Welcome to the Advanced Access User's Group (AAUG)!The intended purpose of this group is to provide an independant forum for all ActiveRain users of Advanced Access web hosting and design products and service to share information, advice, tips and news. This site is not affiliated in any way with