When looking at the year-to-month actual statistics (using the most recently completed month of May vs. March and January) for Chester County, the results for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows: Yr Ending Units Listed Units So
When looking at the year-to-month actual statistics (using the most recently completed month of May vs. March and January) for Philadelphia County, the results for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows: Yr Ending Units Listed Uni
Celebrated in most states on the last Monday in May, which this year is May 26th; Memorial Day is a great time for all of us to remember all the men and woman who gave their lives in service to our country.It a great opportunity to join in the celebrations and to help teach our children to respec
Wishing all of the mothers a wonderful Mother's Day! As a son and husband I appreciate the love, nurturing, sharing, stability and wisdom that my wife and mother have always shown and imparted to their children.Did You Know? The first Mother's Day observance was a church service in 1908 request
When looking at the year-to-month actual statistics (using the most recently completed month of March vs. January) for Chester County, the results for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows:Yr EndingUnits ListedUnits Sold% SoldSol
When looking at the year-to-month actual statistics (using the most recently completed month of March vs. January) for Delaware County, the results for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows:Yr EndingUnits ListedUnits Sold% SoldSo
When looking at the year-to-month actual statistics (using the most recently completed month of March vs. January) for Philadelphia County, the results for residential homes on the market, sold, average price and days for sale before close is charted as follows:Yr EndingUnits ListedUnits Sold% So
The Philadelphia Inquirer recently came out with their latest edition of it's Report Card on Schools for the Delaware Valley.For school contact information, statistics and to see how your district, or the district to which you are considering moving, compares with other schools in the state over
Virtenna - Now you can listen to your favorite AM/FM Philadelphia area radio stations online from anywhere you have an Internet connection. You can also browse and discover stations from around the world. You can search by location and type of programming. So far you can play US stations from Bos
HUD statement regarding Philadelphia Housing Authority:"We are pleased that the Court upheld HUD's decision not to give special treatment to the [Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA)]. The PHA did not show any irreparable or immediate injury if it's [Moving to Work (MTW)] Agreement, which expires