DeeDee Riley - Homes and Market Trends - El Dorado Hills and Surrounding Areas

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Real Estate Agent - Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA - DRE# 01499004



I've never been to one of the NAR Conferences but will actually be attending for one day this year, Saturday, November 9th.  Here are some great tips from Bob Stewart for the Conference and the city of San Francisco as well.  Going just one day, I'll most likely be concentrating on the Trade Show...
Real Estate Technology - How Much Things Have Changed in a Decade! This morning I read and article from RIS Media about the comparison of Real Estate from 2003 to now.  It is amazing to think about Real Estate Technology and How Much Things Have Changed in a Decade. Here were some notable things:...
Is The El Dorado Hills Real Estate Market Slowing?   The El Dorado Hills Market may have slowed a bit but looking at the sales and pending sales, we are not far off from our normal numbers for each month.  What is more important to consider is what it is costing you to wait if you are contemplati...
Home is Where the Heart Is -  El Dorado Hills It may mean something totally different for you but for me home is where I'm free to be me - in my pajamas or sweats, singing out loud, with or without makeup.  Home is where my dog is and most of the time, my wonderful husband as well.  Home is where...
  Sources say the lake is going down 9 inches per day!  For pictures of it the first of this month see my post How Low Can You Go? - Folsom Lake October 1, 2013.  
  View of Folsom Lake from the Highland View neighborhood.   View from Guadalupe Drive - El Dorado Hills    View from one of the Browns Ravine boat launches.   View of the gas dock at Browns Ravine in El Dorado Hills.   View of Folsom Lake from Browns Ravine.   Boat slips and gas dock at Browns R...
Love that Fall Color in El Dorado Hills Not sure about the yellow leafed tree but the brilliant orange colored tree is a Chinese Pistache. They display color in many shades of orange and red.     _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I...
What Solar Power Means for Your El Dorado Hills Home   More and more we are coming across solar power that generates electricity on homes for sale in El Dorado Hills.  To date appraisers don’t add value to a photo voltaic solar system on a home but there is another way to look at what solar powe...
Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Dorado County -Big Autumn Auction It's that time - The Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Dorado County -Big Autumn Auction fundraiser is just a week away.           As Winston Churchill so eloquently put, "We make a living by what we get,      but we make a life by wha...
Safety Tips for Sellers   The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and our local El Dorado County Association of Realtors have worked hard to keep REALTOR® Safety foremost our minds but it’s important for our clients to be aware of as well as they also face some dangers in allowing strangers into th...

DeeDee Riley

Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
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I love my job so it never feels like work to me. If I can just get my children to pursue their dreams as well, I will be one happy mom!