David Saks' Blog

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Industry Observer - TN LIC# 290452
David Saks is a musician, retired real estate broker, and long-time ActiveRain member. David's blog features important information relevant to the safety, integrity and security of the industry. In addition to his widely read real estate fraud blog, a comprehensive overview of real estate continuing education is a weekly addition for his subscribers and the ActiveRain community at-large. Thank you for subscribing to and for visiting David's ActiveRain home on the internet. Please join. Membership in ActiveRain will enrich your life !



Happy Halloween ! -David-
Two Men Charged with Swindling Victims of Thousands of Dollars in Advance Fees While Failing to Modify Home Loans U.S. Attorney’s Office October 29, 2013 Northern District of Illinois (312) 353-5300 CHICAGO―Two men who operated various businesses at multiple Chicago-area locations since at least...
  Rabobank Admits Wrongdoing in LIBOR Investigation, Agrees to Pay $325 Million Criminal Penalty U.S. Department of Justice October 29, 2013 Office of Public Affairs (202) 514-2007/ (202) 514-1888 WASHINGTON—Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. (Rabobank) has entered into an agre...
Former Congressman Richard G. Renzi Sentenced on Extortion and Bribery Charges in Illegal Federal Land Swap U.S. Attorney’s Office October 28, 2013 District of Arizona (602) 514-7500 WASHINGTON—Former U.S. Congressman Rick Renzi was sentenced today to serve 36 months in prison following his June...
Co-Owner of Company That Originated $30 Million in Fraudulent Mortgages Pleads Guilty U.S. Attorney’s Office October 28, 2013 District of New Jersey (973) 645-2888 NEWARK, NJ—owner of a mortgage company that was responsible for a long-running, large-scale mortgage fraud that caused losses of mor...
This Is One of My Favorite Episodes Of "The Honeymooners" Ralph Kramden Decides That It's Time to Make Something Out of Himself Something That Spells Success He Wants to Hit That "High Note" 60 Years Later, March 24, 1956, It Has As Much Meaning Now As It Did Then And More. -David-
Alleged Hacker Indicted in New Jersey in Data Breach Conspiracy Targeting Government Agency Networks U.S. Attorney’s Office October 28, 2013 District of New Jersey (973) 645-2888 NEWARK, NJ—The New Jersey U.S. Attorney’s Office has charged an alleged hacker in the United Kingdom with breaching t...
Two Former Cook County Board of Review Analysts Convicted of Accepting $1,500 Bribe to Facilitate $10,000 Property Tax Reduction U.S. Attorney’s Office October 28, 2013 Northern District of Illinois (312) 353-5300 CHICAGO―Two former analysts for the Cook County Board of Review were convicted tod...
One of the Greatest Films Ever Made About Tragedy and Triumph Was 1950's "Young Man With a Horn" with Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall & Doris Day You Can Hear All of Life's Emotions In Harry James' Trumpet One of My Favorite Films of All Time -David-
#2420 A contract is considered to be a void contract if it can't be enforced because of a statute of limitations. Is this true or false ? Take your time. The solution is posted bel;ow the royalty free wildlife photo.   A. False If a statute of limitations is involved we have an expired contract. ...

David Saks

Broker / Industry Analyst
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