Review the Disclosures Before you write an offer on a house be sure to obtain, read and understand the disclosures related to the property. In Michigan there are two primary disclosures you should obtain: Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards. Seller's Dis
Get a Home Inspection You've gone through the house hunting process and narrowed it to "the one". It's just what you've been looking for, dreamed about, and it's priced just right -- at least until you prepare your offer. So what do you do now? There are a lot of items to consider when buying
You Need to Have Insurance! I've sold a little bit of real estate in these few years and one of the most consistent questions I've gotten is: "Do I need to get insurance?". The answer is Yes. If you are financing your purchase with a mortgage, the bank or mortgage company will require it. But
The Washington Post has published in their online Breaking News an "Interactive Map of Unemployment by County". The national unemployment rate for July, 2010 was 9.7%. For example, in Michigan one of the counties with the highest unemployment rate was Alcona County at 18.4%. The lowest in the
How Many Homes Do You See Before You Buy? The average homebuyer sees 15 homes before deciding which one to buy. If you have been thorough in determining what you want in your home (See my Buyer Tip #3) you may see fewer before you decide. But, let's say you see the average number -- 15; how do
Know What You Want Before You Start Looking! G.I. Joe used to tell kids on the Saturday morning cartoon show of the same name;"Knowing is half the battle." That advice is true when searching for your home. Your house search should take into account: How much you will afford? Notice I said will
Part Two - Creating Your Budget If you followed the suggestion in Part One of this blog topic you have already tracked your spending habits, collected your income information and are now ready to create a budget that accurately reflects your life stage. The budget schedule typically list
Get a Mortgage Pre-Approval Letter Back in the wildcat mortgage days of the 1980's and 90's real estate deals could come together with a pre-qualifying letter. A pre-qualifying letter? Didn't I just say get pre-approved? What's the difference? A pre-qualifying letter is informal. It can be go