The Llano river has run dry. This seems to be the first time this has happened in more than 100 years. I grew up playing in and around the Llano river and the low water crossing in Kingsland TX. What fond memories I have of that time in my life. As of Wednesday, the Llano River, which normall
CCA Texas Bay Area Chapter General Membership Meeting NEXT MONDAY! COME HEAR SHANE BONNOT FROM SEA CENTER TEXAS SPEAK TO OUR CHAPTER!! Monday, June 20th at 7pm Mario’s Pizza on Nasa Rd. 1 Ya’ll come on out and join the good time we will be having at Mario’s Pizza on June 20th. We’ve got Shane B
If you were waiting until the perfect time to buy that $700,000 house, you may not want to wait any longer. By the time this summer ends, the federal government will no longer back jumbo loans of $700,000 and above, making such mortgages harder to obtain. For more about this looming change, read
When does a gift have potential tax implications? If you give as a gift property that is valued at more than $13,000, you must file a gift tax return (Form 709) with the IRS, even if that gift is to a family member. The IRS is using state land-transfer records as evidence of noncompliance. Texas
Banks across the country are facing foreclosure obstacles due to questionable ownership of loans. The cause of the problem lies in the document. Some cases reveal instances where banks have failed to properly assign ownership of mortgages, whereas others include documents that were backdated or
Today, let’s talk about technology. If you are using mobile computing or just multiple computers, you should look at something I use every day. It’s called Dropbox. I have found that Dropbox is one of the tools I use the most. Let me start off by telling you what I use and how it benefits me.
PEARLAND, Texas -- All has not yet been decided for the Pearland City Council following its May election. The city will hold a run-off election June 25 to decide who will take Position Three.After the election on May 14, Susan I. Sherrouse had the most votes for that position with 1,186. The seco
PEARLAND, Texas -- The Pearland ISD Board of Trustees recently welcomed two new members and selected new officers for the 2011-12 school year.After taking the oath of office during the May 24 special meeting, newly-elected trustees Adele Brennan and Rusty DeBorde took their seats on the board.
The City of Pearland is reporting that for three consecutive days (as of May 31), Pearland’s total daily water demands have exceeded 70% of the system’s available operating capacity. Therefore, in accordance with the City’s Water Conservation Plan, and due to on-going drought conditions, the Cit
MARS is circling YOU, if you perform Short Sale Services. On January 31, 2011, the Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (MARS) final rule went into effect. The rule is primarily focused on companies who offer loan modifications to consumers, however the rule also impacts real estate licensees w