2017 Homeownership Increase as Milennials Drive Growth Because buying a home is such a major undertaking, it's easy to assume that it's more expensive than finding a place to rent. That, however, isn't necessarily true. In fact, buying a home remains the more affordable option in many markets acr
Sales of New Homes Slipped in OctoberSales of home builder new homes fell 2 percent in October, according to new numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. But, despite the month-over-month dip, sales were still strong when compared to the same time l
Less Inventory Means More Time Looking At Fewer HomesYou don't want to feel rushed when choosing a home to buy. It's a big decision and one you'll be living with for many years to come. So it's best to take your time and only make an offer when you find a house that's really right for you. But th
Rising Home Equity For American HomeownersEquity rich may not be a phrase you're familiar with but it refers to homeowners whose loan-to-value ratio is 50 percent or lower – meaning homeowners whose mortgage is less than half of their home's appraised value. Simply put, a homeowner's loan-to-valu
Home Builders & New Home Construction If you're buying or selling a house, the new home market should matter to you. Why? Well, new home construction is the best way to increase the overall number of homes available for sale. And, as that number rises, the gap between supply and demand shrinks
Contemporary Home Design vs Modern Home Architecture When shopping for a home to buy, there are some styles that are easy to identify. If you came across a listing for a Victorian home, for example, you'd likely know what to expect and whether or not you are attracted to that style's brightly co
Preparing for Retirement & Owning a HomeOwning a home has typically been thought of as one of the keys to a comfortable retirement. After all, years worth of monthly mortgage payments mean owners can build up a significant amount of equity if they stay in one place long enough. Then, during retir
Buying a house can be an intimidating prospect, especially when home price increases are in the news. But though it may feel like you can't afford to buy, new numbers show that 61.4 percent of new and existing homes sold between the beginning of July and the end of September were affordable to a
There are a lot of things to consider when deciding whether or not to sell your house and move. Home values, your mortgage rate, school district, plans for the future, and proximity to friends and family all play a role. In other words, after buying a house, homeowners generally stay there for a
While it's true that – among demographic groups – there are more young people living in urban centers than any other age group, new research shows that 47 percent of millennial homeowners actually bought in the suburbs. The data, from the Zillow Group's Consumer Housing Trends Report, shows that