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Real Estate Agent - Re/Max 10 New Lenox Illinois
Find a home at Have A Question? Please feel free to call or text me at 708-439-0165 For Flights, Cars, Cruises, Hotels, Vacation Homes, Vacation Townhomes, Vacation Condominiums, Vacation Villas, Vacation Deals, Vacation Ideas, Hot Travel Deals, Top Destinations, Live Travel Pro, Chat-Now, Honeymoon Registry, Group Requests, FUNJET Vacations, Videos, and Select Destinations visit! 708-331-2203
When you buy a house, you’ll do a final walk-through of the property in the days or hours before closing.This is an important step in the homebuying process, as it gives you one last chance to assess the condition of the house before signing on the dotted line. Attention to detail is paramount du...
Home appraisals often get confused with home inspections — and while both play an important role in the homebuying process, they aren’t very similar.During an inspection (which is optional), the property’s systems and structure are evaluated. The inspector will highlight deficiencies, safety haza...
Whether you’re buying a home or selling one (or doing both at once), it’s important to have a real estate professional on your side.After all, there’s a lot of money on the line, and a house is a big investment. An experienced agent can support you as you make your decisions during the process.Ar...
Thanks Jon Hamilton Vice President of The Federal Savings Bank for providing this very helpful information.  Jon can be direct at 312-471-6993 or 708-218-8480 - jhamilton@thefederalsavingsbank.comFirst-time home buyers shouldn’t let themselves be daunted by their loan estimate– a document that es...
Thanks Jon Hamilton Vice President of The Federal Savings Bank for providing this very helpful information.  Jon can be direct at 312-471-6993 or 708-218-8480 - jhamilton@thefederalsavingsbank.comMortgage lenders must issue a closing disclosure at least three business days before you close on you...
Thanks Jon Hamilton Vice President of The Federal Savings Bank for providing this very helpful information.  Jon can be direct at 312-471-6993 or 708-218-8480 -"Many first-time homebuyers are understandably concerned by the prospect of high upfront costs of buy...
Newsletter   Dale Taylor - RE/MAX 10 Refer a Friend  Get in touch   December 14 2022 Wishing you and your loved ones a happy holiday season.     If there's anything you need in the coming weeks, please reach out. Newsletters Show More   Subscribe to Newsletter 2022 HOLIDAY CARD   December 14 202...
Dale Taylor RE/MAX 10 (708) 439-0165 4 Reasons to Hire a Contractor Remodeling your home can be a big (and stressful) undertaking. Fortunately, hiring a contractor who’s well-versed in the process can help alleviate some of that stress. If you bring in a contractor, be diligent in your hiring. G...
Dale Taylor RE/MAX 10 (708) 439-0165 Homebuying: Act now or wait it out? The housing market is always changing, so it can be hard to determine exactly when to buy — and when to wait it out. What if home prices or interest rates rise? What if lower costs are just around the corner? No crystal bal...
Dale Taylor RE/MAX 10 (708) 439-0165 A Homebuyer's Guide to Using Gift Money Coming up with a down payment can feel like quite a hurdle. For millennials, who are currently the largest cohort of homebuyers, getting help with the down payment is fairly common — roughly 29% of younger millennials r...

Dale Taylor

Realtor = Chicago Illinois Homes Townhomes Condos
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Find a home at Have A Question? Please Feel Free To Call or Text Me At 708-439-0165 For Flights, Cars, Cruises, Hotels, Vacation Homes, Vacation Condos, Vacation Villas, Vacaction Tomehomes, Vacation Deals, Vacation Ideas, Hot Travel Deals, Top Destinations, Live Travel Pro, Chat-Now, Honeymoon Registry, Group Requests, FUNJET Vacations, Videos, and Select Destinations visit! 708-331-2203 &l t;embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowscriptaccess='always' width='300' height='441' flashvars='isBox=1&api='> object>!/dalelesleytaylor