PropertyManagementMaven * LandlordWhisperer

Property Manager - Gibson Management Group, Ltd.
A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. The word maven comes from the Hebrew, via Yiddish, and means one who understands, based on an accumulation of knowledge. Wikipedia
I have  standard letter of "unintended consequences" that I send tenants who contact the property goes something like they now question my (Wallace's) judgement in placing them (the tenants) in their property and have suggested that I consider NOT renewing their lease....RutRo!  This...
PETS ARE NOT A PROTECTED CLASS FOR FEDERAL or STATE DISCRIMINATION complaints and this is issue is TOTALLY directed by property insurance underwriters' list of DANGEROUS BREEDS of dogs. Pit Bulls &...
ActiveRain will be unavailable tonight, July 2nd from 9:30pm until 11pm Pacific.  This downtime is necessary for the completion of the updates per IT. The biggest update you will notice is a new url for your profile page: Current: New:
I'd NEVER waive a credit check and in our area, many poorly qualified residents often use newbie real estate agents that they have told LIES to.....I ONLY hear "they will make GREAT tenants from real estate agents"   HOW DO THEY KNOW?   We're working with a young couple who are looking to rent a...
If you are a fan of Dan Brown and plan on reading his newest * INFERNO * you won't be able to get Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon out of your head when you read of his LATEST what-am-I-doing-here tale. I stopped reading Clive Cussler books because Dirk kept getting in wet, in TIGHT places with NO AIR...
I did a PRE-move-out property inspection in April to see what needed to be done to RErent the property and when I gave entry notice to my current residents, they advised me that 1) they would be on vacation; and that they 2) had a camera system in their rental home with the recording feed viewabl...
If my departing tenants follow my check-out instructions, use the CLEANING service vendors I suggest then they will most probably get all of their deposit back. One issue that STILL seems to remain a bone of contention is DIRT.  A departing resident wanted to ARGUE with me that the WEAR/DIRT trai...
Tenants need to be prepared for a FORMS FEE for this process from their landlord...there are too many caveats from lenders - no e-mail verification/fax only, etc - so that many property managers and PROFESSIONAL landlords CHARGE for this service....I spent 15 minutes trying to log into a lender's...
I'm in FULL RENTING MODE...not too many properties vacant NOW; however, I will have a few in July and August so I am PREscreening as much as possible so as not to waste these prospects time FALLING IN L♥VE with my HOMES. I respond to most e-mail, texts and voice inquires with 3 questions.... HOW ...
I'll frequently take pets that com ESTABLISHED with the tenant family; however, new kittens or puppies are has to take place somewhere - usually in the rental unit   Does the management know that you have a pet?     As a contractor who regularly goes into occupied units to...

Wallace S. Gibson, CPM

local_phone(434) 825-1933
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