I’m on my SECOND adventure in AC condensate lines this summer. Tenant wants RECONSIDERATION of $ervice Call My first episode happened when my tenant’s DOG food ended up in the townhouse condensate line because of a MOUSE. My current episode is the HOA notifying my property owner that his co
Each year at move-out time, some of my departing residents demonstrate why I need to refine my check-out cleaning instructions annually. Although I provide the names of my PREFERRED service providers for house cleaning, carpet cleaning and yard work, every year some residents what to color ou
With the local rental market for single family homes getting VERY tight....rental prospects are having to look outside of their housing budget for suitable housing. We have lots of new apartments and townhouses for rent in our area; however, few single family homes are available because...1) many
I have several new properties where the owners are relocating elsewhere and moving out of their home which I will be managing. This will be a very hectic time for them so taking as much of a load off of them is a benefit for us all. In my initial property presentation, my frequent comment is
Wallace, I have been called many things - impatient, arrogant, condescending... but I am always able to admit when I am wrong. Please accept my heartfelt apology for my assumption that our cooling issue was some sort of intentional oversight or what have you. I was tired, sore, and hot and if
I am in HEAVY move-out mode with approximately 15 residents moving between NOW and the end of July. I have changed my move-out procedure as I experienced residents wanting to get “checked-out” at odd times over the last couple of years. ENTER my SMARTYPHONE....to paraphrase The Eagles in Hote
I RARELY take condo/townhouse properties in self-managed HOAs because of the burden of educating many board members on the nuiances of their rules and regulations NOT conforming to state and federal laws. I did take a townhouse a few months ago and got it rented with almost a month lee-way to g
This is happening more NOW that there are fewer rental single family homes in the area. Rental prospects just don’t realize that they need to come to the area to view rental homes late Wednesday afternoon and PRE-schedule viewings Thursday, Friday and sign their lease on Saturday and return hom
RENTAL PROSPECT from my web site: Will you inquire of your client if they would consider lowering the rent ? I know that a higher payemt is chosen to deter residents who would not take care of the property. I relocated from Fairfax county and I get it. I will take care of it, but I am asingle p
I recently wrote a blog post about charging a tenant with half of the cost of a HVAC service call. Tenant wants RECONSIDERATION of $ervice Call....Sure, I'll REconsider! At about the same time, I had a showing request from an insistent rental prospect who demanded I show him and his girl friend