Less than a week to go before we find out who will be our new president. This is making for a very interesting election and the outcome will determine the course of the United Sates for a long time to come. I hope that we as Americans make the right choice for the future.
The news is dominated by the by the yo-yo action on Wall Street and every other article is about the doom and gloom of the housing market with the word foreclosure on every page and every news clip. I know you have seen the for sale signs everywhere I am sure you know some
Has the Housing Market Bottomed Out? Posted: 05/06/2008 For the third time since the housing slump began, Joe Kalish of Ned Davis Research explains where we are now and what may be around the corner. USAA: Joe, since we spoke a year ago, virtually every measure of the health of the real estate ma
How to get more done with less time & Less effort... Written on May 22, 2008 by Peter It happens to all of us. It happens to me. What am I talking about here? I'm talking about spending several hours working on something and having nothing to show for. Have you ever worked in your office, were ru
Any one got some info no how to call a Notice of default? I have a client that would like to buy up some NOD's but i have no idea how to approach them i got the list from my title company. Any ideas or experience on this touchy subject?
I only have 2 listings and 3 buyers and I am running in circles trying to please all of them. I am barley able to force my self to do my prospecting. I am worried that I will prospect my self out of the business. I mean that I will get to many clients and to many problems that I will start to f
If you are S.M.A.R.T. or a old Sweat Hog. Come and Join the new group S.M.A.R.T. Agents. We have invited the Duke of Dialogue himself along with all his trainers. This is a privet group only for people that have experienced Floyd Wickman. So if that is you sign up http://activerain.com/groups
You get what you pay for.