Coweta County Real Estate Facts and Info by Richard Weisser

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Richard Weisser Realty
Coweta Fayette Real Estate and Richard Weisser offer musings and original photography about real estate, auction and the community!
I got a call the other day from a major real estate website. It went something like this: “Your card was denied and you need to provide a new method of payment. Or else we will be forced to terminate your account!” I explained that my bank had suddenly issued me a new card due to a security breac...
To traipse afoot through copse and hell*,As toes go numb and ankles swell,The throbbing legs chastise the brain,Can all this “fun” be worth the pain?       (R Weisser 2014) On paper it seemed like a reasonable plan. A fourteen mile hike from the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains National...
When it comes to national holidays of political significance, Independence Day is the granddaddy of them all! It’s a day for parades, barbeques and of course, fireworks! But over the last few years there has been a disturbing trend of businesses remaining open and capitalizing on the celebration....
 Like it or not, the writing has been on the wall for some time. The days of real estate brokerage as we have known it are truly numbered. To say it is NOT so is a failure to recognize some basic facts that cannot be disputed. One: Technology has changed the role of the real estate broker from an...
I’m not the first one to observe that social media is a drain on our time and resources. After all, many writers have lamented the demise of genuine social intercourse and touted social media as nothing more than advertising-interrupted banality. I don’t care if you are taking a bathroom break. I...
It’s a thought-provoking question for anyone that wants to write about real estate or the real estate industry: Has everything that can be said about real estate already been said? After all, the Internet is saturated with millions and maybe even billions of real estate related information tidbit...
A lot of buzz on the Internet over the last few days was sparked by one of the big real estate aggregator sites implementation of a pre-listing marketing vehicle. It occurred to me during one of these online discussions that brokers that do not have uniform marketing procedures in place could fin...
The view is quite a different one When looking outside in,What once seemed to be as plain as dayIs now opaque as tin,Could I have been so oblivious?Which led to my chagrin,Because the view is quite a different oneWhen looking outside in!     (R Weisser 2014) Perspective is an attribute that can b...
These days most consumers of any goods or services start their research on the Internet. After all, searching on the Internet is a fast and easy way to access information. Buy there is a problem. A lot of information on the Internet is incorrect and therefore not only useless, but could in fact b...
It’s so hard to get things doneWhen life gets in the way.So close the window blinds and shunThe glaring light of day!Eschew the nagging blooms that stealOur precious time away,And focus on each task and deal.There is no time for play!Distractions big and small assail,And must be held at bay,Undau...

Richard Weisser

Richard Weisser Retired Real Estate Professional
local_phone(770) 827-6225
smartphone(770) 827-6225
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Author Bio: Richard Weisser is a Georgia real estate broker, licensed auctioneer, and has been writing about Georgia Real Estate since 1999.

Coweta Fayette Real Estate offers opinions and helpful information to consumers and real estate professionals in the Coweta County Georgia area.

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