I just saw a television commercial about a tire that could go up to fifty miles after it is punctured! That sounds like a great idea. But here’s where it falls “flat:” Until the tire actually goes flat, how do you know that it has been punctured? So if you’re on a road trip and you get a puncture
I have often been accused of being a “doom and gloom” writer that focuses on the negative aspects of what is happening in the real estate industry. But my critics tend to lose sight of the fact that real estate is a business, and all business owners must face the reality that market forces can af
In an official announcement, Zillow announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire Trulia. Stockholder and regulatory approval may take several months, but financially it is a “done deal!” According to the Zillow press release, Trulia will continue as its own brand. Only time will tell w
Real Estate inventory levels in Coweta County Georgia are up about 20% from the same period in 2013. As a result, prices are stabilizing as sellers are less likely to encounter multiple offers on desirable properties. This is good news for buyer who in the past may have been able to locate suitab
It has been reported that Zillow is in advanced acquisition talks with rival Trulia. The current total value of Trulia shares is approximately two billion dollars. But both sites are dependent on revenue generated by the sale of ads to real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and other ancillary rea
If you were to ask most real estate agents and brokers whether or not they employed anti-competitive practices in their businesses you would most likely get a litany of resounding denials. As a rule, the real estate agent and broker community constantly strives to maintain a high standard of ethi
This is the South. July is supposed to be hot and muggy. But weather doesn’t follow rules or schedules. And so this morning we were blessed with a record low 57 degrees in Sharpsburg GA for July 17. It’s not a life or death thing. It’s just interesting. And it’s also a reminder that occasionally
The role of the real estate agent and broker in a Georgia real estate transaction is often misconstrued. One of the services that I offer is expert testimony regarding the actions of agents and brokers in real estate transactions that result in lawsuits. In most situations, the first call from th
We have a great library system here in Coweta County Georgia. But for the first time today, I didn’t go to the library to check out a book. I simply downloaded an E-book from the online library. Now I know that this sort of behavior has been going on for years. But to me, it seemed somewhat sacri
The buyers were adamant. “If the house is NOT completely done we are not closing!” My response was probably not what the buyer’s expected: I suggested that their best course of action would be to speak to an attorney. I am a real estate broker. I fill in the blanks on contracts but I do not inter