I remember it like it was yesterday. It was my first year in my “new” school. It was November, and the holiday season was approaching. But the atmosphere was not as festive as one might expect. Recent world events cast a pall on what should be the carefree life of a child. Between the “duck and c
The end of 2013 is just around the corner and it’s tine to close out the fiscal year for most taxpayers. It’s also time to decide whether to incur more expenses in December or to let them carry over until 2014. By doing so it is possible to minimize your tax liability for the year in which you ha
Every day we become more and more dependent on technology. And as we do, more and more “low-tech” mainstays are going the way of the slide rule … into oblivion. Do you enjoy trips to the local bookstore? If you do I suggest that you make as many trips as possible in the upcoming months, as bookst
It has been suggested that a blog post should consist of at least three hundred words in order to be considered as relevant by Google. In fairness, search engine placement is an art and not a science and those that provide the service are free to set any standard that they wish. After all, it see
On muted crimson frosted peaks‘Neath tousled wind blown umber sheets,‘Tis time for rest as dusk now wanes,And Fall defers to Winter’s reign! (Richard Weisser 2013) It's that time of year again! As the last vestiges of Fall yield to the approaching Winter there is a certain unmistakab
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s time to gear up for the final weeks of 2013! The holidays are a great time to reconnect with old clients. A hand-addressed holiday card is nearly always opened and displayed throughout the season. It’s also a good time to perform some database mainte
We have all heard the old adage time and time again: Every property will sell if it’s priced right. And while that is fundamentally true in most cases, like any other held-fast tenet there are exceptions to the rule. Some properties are truly unsellable. This can happen under a variety of circums
One of the dangers of low winter temperatures is the threat of serious damage due to unheated water pipes freezing solid and then bursting when they thaw. So it’s important to either continue to maintain the interior temperature of the house or to winterize the water system by draining the lines
The Calendar may say that it’s early November, but the thermometer looks more like it should be early January. With temperatures falling into the low 20’s tonight, Newnan GA will be about ten degrees colder than Juneau Alaska. It’s also a “chilling” reminder that the days of 2013 are dwindling, a
In the real estate business, we often get calls from buyers interested in a house that they have found on the Internet. Frequently these calls go beyond the number of bedrooms and baths in the house. At some point, the conversation is shifted towards the price and terms that the seller might acce