Coweta County Real Estate Facts and Info by Richard Weisser

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Richard Weisser Realty
Coweta Fayette Real Estate and Richard Weisser offer musings and original photography about real estate, auction and the community!



Crisp as fresh-picked apple bites,Clear brilliant days and starlit nights,On gentle wafts of Autumn’s breezeThe dappled shifting hues of leavesWill dance in shaking, giddy mirthUntil exhausted, tumble down to earth!               (R Weisser 2013) Fall is here! This morning, for the first time thi...
The classic definition of fair market value is the amount that a buyer is willing to pay and a seller is willing to accept without duress. Recently there has been a lot of confusion about fair market value because a new variable has been added to the mix: The amount that can be borrowed is often ...
When HUD proposed a new short sale agency regulation scheduled to take place on October 1 1013, a groundswell of indignation soon escalated into a tsunami of objection. To its credit, NAR took the lead in pointing out the negative consequences of the rule and made a clear case to at least delay i...
I have long standing issues with HUD and the bureaucrats charged with running it. They provide the perfect example of big government fat cats collecting huge paychecks for themselves while losing sight of their mission. The latest Pontification of Idiocy is the new HUD rule effective Oct 1, 2013 ...
For those of us that have been in the real estate business for a long time, we often catch ourselves saying something along the lines of: “That’s not the way that we used to do it.” And while it is true that things were a lot different back the day, the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t amoun...
The battle’s lost, Old Sol must yieldTo darkness creeping o’er the field,The lamp is snuffed and radiant lightSurrenders to the pall of Night!               (R Weisser 2013) At 4:44 P.M EDT on Sunday September 22 the Sun will be positioned directly above the equator. That translates to equal hour...
I recently had some family members visit from a neighboring state. In order to spend the least amount of travel time they elected to fly on a commercial airline rather than make the eight hour drive down I-85. Unfortunately, their plans went awry when their flight was cancelled due to a mechanica...
Lately I have been noticing that a lot of sites that are laden with ads tend to jump around when you attempt to click on a button or hyperlink. At the exact moment that you left click, the page moves and miraculously and coincidentally you wind up clicking on a ad for some product or service that...
We have all seen homes that suffer from functional obsolescence. Functional obsolescence is an inherent design or utility flaw that does not satisfy the demands of today’s consumers and lowers the value of the home. Many older homes that have gone through multiple renovations and additions have s...
All of our gadgets are touted as getting smarter and smarter every day. "Smart" is not just an attribute for phones any more. Everything from cars to televisions to refrigerators are taking on more of our thinking workload every day. Since we no longer have to think so much for ourselves anymore,...

Richard Weisser

Richard Weisser Retired Real Estate Professional
local_phone(770) 827-6225
smartphone(770) 827-6225
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Author Bio: Richard Weisser is a Georgia real estate broker, licensed auctioneer, and has been writing about Georgia Real Estate since 1999.

Coweta Fayette Real Estate offers opinions and helpful information to consumers and real estate professionals in the Coweta County Georgia area.

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