If you spend as much time on Twitter as I do, you’ve probably heard about the new “Lists” feature that Twitter recently rolled out. Not everyone has the function yet, but they are making it available to more and more people, so if you don’t have it yet, you should see it soon. However, you may no
Having a yearly marketing plan is a really important piece for you to have in place in order to be able to measure and grow your business. But you also need to look at the mindset you have about your business. Your goals should be big enough to feel challenging (if they don’t, I think you should
Looking for something unique for your holiday newsletter? Why not put together a Community Holiday Events calendar to send to your email list, host on your website, and mail out? As a Realtor, you’re in the unique position to know about a lot more of the local community events than the average re
It’s quickly getting close to the time to start sending out holiday cards and gifts. Are you struggling for ideas? Here’s one you can try out. Think about partnering with a local Home Stager (who also specializes in Home “Redesign” or Redecorating), and offering coupons for a Holiday Home Redesig
Need ideas for content for your blog? Haven’t posted for months, and not sure what to write about? Don’t forget that you can easily utilize other people’s content. Here are a few quick ideas to help you start generating content for your blog, even if you don’t write a bit of it! Utilize more vide
Whether you’re swamped with new listings and active buyers looking for their next home, or just trying to scrounge up your next sale, it’s too easy to feel like your day disappears without getting much done. I think not having enough time is one of the biggest challenges for many Realtors, and it
Ever wanted to become THE local expert for a particular neighborhood in your area? For those of you in smaller towns, it might be fairly easy to stand out, since there are fewer agents, and it’s easier to target your particular town name (or maybe not!). But it’s awfully difficult to become THE l
There are mixed feelings in the real estate world for leads that come in off the internet. On one hand, all the statistics show that 80%+ of people start their home search on the internet, so you’ve got a huge market there. On the other, some Realtors® don’t like these leads because they feel the
I know it’s not quite Thanksgiving yet, but can you tell me what you are thankful for? Sometimes life gets so busy that we forget, but it’s so important to take a minute to stop and appreciate everything you have. And I find that after doing so, I’m always revved up and ready to handle anything
In the real estate business, our contacts, network and database are the lifeblood of our business. If you use a Blackberry or an iPhone and depend on it to store your contacts, what happens if you lose your phone (or drop it in the pool, or accidentally sit on it, you get the picture) and lose th