Link exchange by Ronell D. Moore from of Middle Tennessee In todays market you better have a plan. You best know who you are and what you want out of life and your career. Many of us are good in some areas but we suck in others. This whole link exchange is one of t
NEW car or Old car by Ronell D. Moore from of Middle Tennessee I was reading somebodies Blog today and noticed they were speaking about image. They were entertaining the age old question, should drive a new designer car or and older car? They were making the point that man
I am faced with a challenge TV or Internet. I would like to get the most bang for my buck. Yet I would like to also get the maximum exposure and return on my dollar. If I advertise on TV I have an audience that is in my market with a controlled cost. If I advertise on the Internet I get a larger
I would like to thank the staff at active-rain and God. Since I have been a member of your network I have meet alot of interesting people. I have been help by fellow members and helped fellow members. When I first join I thought it would be a good way to get my name Ronell D. Moore more Internet
I don't know about you but I was thankful to see the rates go down. I was also thankful to see so many so called Mortgage professional get out the kitchen. I am equally excited to see the market go to a buyers market. So many consumers were being taking advantage of by so called sub-prime lenders
Realtors, First Time Home Buyers, Mortgage Brokers, and Investors. In this day and time we are limited in our financing options. I have discovered a new web-site that will be very helpful to us all. This Web-Site can/will be used to Pre-Qual your coustomers, yourself for pur
If you are a Loan Officer and your not closing the amount of loans you would like call me. If your a Realtor and your homes are staying on the market call me. If your a Title Agent, or Escrow company and your search, close ratios are low call me. If your an appraiser and your nor being paid for w
I sure hope this is not another situation where it's to little to late. If this does not work I have a few suggestions. First we should lower the amount of money we pay our elected officials. Or we should put them on a 90 day probation period just like every other job in the United States. If the
It's a buyers market and realtor's everywhere a scrambling. I have even seen some so called professionals bash others marketing concepts. Realtors just sit back for a second and rethink your game plans. I write Commercial and Residential Mortgages. Mortgage Brokers shops are closing left and righ
How many homeowners in the United States have Adjustable Rate Mortgages that have come due? How many of these Homeowners qualify for Low Fixed Rates, most? How many of these Homeowners keep going back to the same Loan Officers who put them into this situation for help? It's time for change Amer