Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! I get to play D.J. What's this all about? Check it out! http://activerain.com/blogsview/798538/WERE-BACK-unInspired-by-Song-Contest-Announcement-November-2008 Well they asked for it! They may not be judged the worst, but at least they'll be among the first! Having been a
A few weeks ago Greg Gorman challenged those of us in the group "Bright Ideas" to share our best business strategies and thinking for 2009. He set up this scenario, "OK, it's the fourth quarter, the team is behind, the markets are down, stocks are tanking, companies are failing, what are you goin
Greg Gorman from Naples, FL tagged me for this "MeMe." Here is the way it works: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the next two to five sentences. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book or the intellectual one. Pick the Closest. Ta
A newbie to social networking Having been in the 'rain' actively for only about 4 months, I have seen sooooo much information that it is almost overwhelming. There are 36 blogs that are bookmarked for me to go back and review that have creative ideas and tips a
The best good news in a while: Gas at $1.92 a gallon! I heard this piece of welcome news this morning in the dentist chair from Judith, a wonderful hygienist. This sure beats the daylights out of paying $65 to fill up! Remember back in September when gas was $4 and up a gallon and we were all
Dear Helpdesk, Does anybody know how to put an end to these confounded unwanted faxes???? We used to get a couple a month, and I was OK with that because it showed that the fax connection was working. But now, we're getting several a week, usually selling insurance or vacations, and I've had enou
"Did you ever notice?" "Did you ever notice how the pictures that Real Estate Agents put on their business cards and blogs and all of their other publicity don't look a darn thing like the Real Estate Agents that want to list your house? It really bugs me, because if they're not honest with thems
Two questions that have been on my mind since about last Thursday when I was invited to LinkedIn. What are your favorite sites for social networking and better yet for "SOCIAL MARKETING"? I guess my 'smoking gun question' is what sites do you use and how do you use them? I signed up with faceboo
"Nuisance the Cat" wishes you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Ok, you gotta guess before you look or listen! If you can..... My all-time 'crush' for about 33 years now - I really don't know why Rock and Roll Queen - Sings soft ballads to hard driving R&R, and sometimes in the same song Witch
With the economy the way it is, the housing market, the job market, the stock market, I know that someone will read this somewhere who will suddenly be jobless. I was thinking about this while driving back from taking our son to Chapin High School this morning, and decided to put down some thoug