Does Freddie Mac Own Your Mortgage? Call your servicer - the organization to which you make your mortgage payments - immediately if you are having difficulty paying your mortgage on time. The telephone number and mailing address of your mortgage servicer should be listed on your monthly statement
06/23/2009 Does Fannie Mae Own Your Mortgage? Your mortgage servicer - the company that sends your mortgage statement - should be able to tell you if your mortgage is owned by Fannie Mae. However, if you need further confirmation, please contact Fan
Thank you for contacting Freddie Mac. Our records show that Freddie Mac is not the owner of your mortgage. You may wish to contact Fannie Mae at, or 1-800-7Fannie to see if they own your loan. If you are currently in the foreclosure process, contact your mortgage servicer, the organ
If you do not qualify for a Home Affordable Refinance or Modification, your mortgage servicer or HUD-approved housing counselor may have other options that are available to you. These options may include: Forbearance: The "forbearance" agreement means that you pay only a portion of your regula
YES, YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR HOME AFFORDABLE MODIFICATION Based on your answers to the modification eligibility questions, you may qualify for a Home Affordable Modification. The next step is to gather the information you will need when you speak to a housing counselor or the servicer of your mortg
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