In many instances teamwork is very powerful. One thing that is require in all instances is that the team members must have a common goal. What if any, benefits can be gained by real estate agents in various locales (including the same locale), agents in the same brokerages and franchise as well a...
In today's marketing there are both positives and negatives. Is now a good time to build a base of real estate investors to work with? Is it feasible to approach qualified homeowners to purchase residential investment property? What would be a good way to find investors or qualified homeowners th...
I hear many real estate agents speaking negatively about the current real estate market. I also see people coming into the business. Is it feasible for a brand new person to start a real estate career, right now? If someone you know and care very much about came to you asking your opinion regardi...
Top performers in just about every arena have coaches that provide services. Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player of all time, Wayne Gretsky, is held in the same high esteem in hockey, Tiger Woods in Golf, the list goes on and on. They all have or had coaches. Is there great va...