The Prosperitor™ Report

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Education & Training - Prosperitor LLC dba Secured Futures
The Top 50 Google Tools for Business This compilation is for all of you out there who use Google for searching and SEO, but may not be aware of all the other tools and services that Google has to offer for your business.  My inbox used to get so many questions about many of the links and tools b...
Today we launched a new button on ActiveRain.  The "Suggest Feature" button.   With the volume of great content and fantastic Blog posts being submitted daily from our RainMakers, we have created a new and powerful tool that allows members of the community to make suggestions for posts and articl...
Great info!In my last post, we discussed how sometimes a foreclosure really isn’t a foreclosure. Today, we’re going to dispel another Myrtle Beach foreclosure myth. This goes against the conventional wisdom of real estate, and it will probably annoy you. Are you sitting down? Here it is: Most inv...
Some great buyer information!I had the saddest listing appointment of my career this week.  I sat down with a homeowner who wanted to sell because they could not stand their neighborhood (I was NOT their agent when they purchased the home).  The house was renovated and cute as a button, but the n...
Christine Pearson with the New York Times published an interesting article concerning the revelations they unearthed through a study of data gathered on more than 9,000 managers and workers across the United States.  Christine defines incivility as behavior, seemingly inconsequential to the doer,...
I'm not the only one that's saying this!As the market slowly improves, most agents are expecting a buyer's market for some time. In times like these, it's easy to forget listings-who wants them if they're going to sit around longer, right? But listings still matter and-as you know-they can help y...
Bernice Ross posted a great article on Inman News about tagging your video content. Since so many of us are starting to do video now, the importance of  copyrighting your content is important. And visually watermarking or putting text on your Tagging or "watermarking" your home photos is another ...
Law of Attraction - What is it ? How does it work ? How is working for you ? Law of Attraction - The phrase Law of Attraction, although used widely by esoteric writers, has a variety of definitions. Turn of the century references conceptualized the law of attraction as relating to physical struct...
Relationship Marketing should be your prime focus   Coach KC™   "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care!" --UnknownEstablishing a relationship of trust and authenticity in you sales cycle is imperative in the current economic climate. Consumer skepticism and retice...
What are great ways to generate quality traffic to your site to generate more business?   Although advertising can be expensive, it's how you generate traffic you need to promote your business. Business cards, newsletters and other print media are good because it promotes your business by provid...

Coach KC™

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