RECENT BLOG POSTS It is Official! We are getting wonderful reviews and feedback on our 'New & Improved' Florida Sales Associate Real Estate License State ExamVideo Review   If you would like some help Passing this challenging state exam at Pearson Vue!Get it here…The Climer School of ...
Thank you Wayne Martin. If you are enjoying these, follow him! Trivia question anwers for Friday January 11, 2019 1. Which building material gets its name from Arabic for "brick"? Adobe 2. What Kimberly-Clark product was advertised as having a snug elastic fit and an hourglass shape? Huggies diap...
La clase de licencia de 2 semanas de la Florida Real Estate en español tendrá lugar el lunes 14 de enero en The Climer School of Real Estate.The Climer School of Real Estate no solo es la mejor escuela de bienes raíces en Florida, sino que también tenemos las mejores clases de bienes raíces en es...
Thank you Wayne Martin. If you enjoy these, Follow hi! Trivia question answers for Thursday January 10, 2019 1. What does a ventriloquist typically hold on their lap? A puppet 2. Where is the International Court of Justice? The Hague 3. What was the name of Henry Ford's only son? Edsel 4. On a me...
Florida's Best Real Estate School is now Florida's Best Live Streaming Real Estate School! You can take your mandatory Florida Real Estate License 63 Hour Pre-License Class from anywhere in the world. Our Live Streaming Florida Real Estate License Students have experience extraordinary results! F...
Thank you Wayne Martin. If you are enjoying these, follow him Trivia question answers for Tuesday January 8, 2018 1. Proteus orbits what planet of the solar system? Neptune 2. What artist's largest work is called "The Night Watch"? Rembrandt's 3.The adjective "callipygian" refers to someone who h...
Thank you Wayne Martin. If you enjoy these, follow him! Trivia question answers for Monday January 7, 2019 1. What color is chablis? White 2. What sport did George Bush Sr. play at Yale University? Baseball 3. What does WD stand for in WD 40? Water displacement 4. What is the largest key on a sta...
Pass Your Florida Broker's License State Exam on your next try with ourOnline Video Review Course for Brokers www.BrokerVideoReviewClass.comPass your Brokers License State Exam on your Next Try!Easy Low Monthly Subscription, only $77 a month!Experience what thousands already have. Discover the 'C...
Thanks Wayne Martin. If you enjoy these, follow him.  Trivia question answers for Sunday January 6, 2019 1. Lockjaw is another name for which disease? Tetanus 2. What is the longest river in Europe? Volga 3. A light aircraft without an engine is called a what? Glider 4.  What anmal can you smell ...
Thank you Wayne Martin. If you are enjoying these, follow him! The Climer School of Real EstateThe Best Real Estate School in Trivia question answers for Saturday January 5, 2018 1. Who was the first actress to appear on a US postage stamp? Grace Kelly 2. Who...

Andy Brown-Climer School of Real Estate

The Best Real Estate School in Florida
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