I've written enough and read enough about the chronic misuse of a Realtor's time to know that it's a problem for a lot of us in this business but I still don't understand it. I don't think I will ever understand why people think it's ok to not practice the same courtesy with their Realtor that th
It may be January, but it's not too soon to start making plans for a visit to Brevard, NC for the spring and summer months. There are tons of things to do in Brevard that time of year, especially if you are the "outdoorsy" type. Brevard, NC and the area surrounding this small mountain town in we
I am a admitted chocoholic. Always have been, always will be. My personal choice has always been dark chocolate. Even as a kid I remember I'd take a hunk of dark semi sweet chocolate over milk chocolate any day of the week. Nowawdays, they tell us that a bit of dark chocolate everyday is good for
With so much economic turmoil and uncertainty, the fact that the real estate market in western North Carolina had a banner year in 2012 could seem counter intuitive. But it's true! As a firm and as individual agents, we had a great year and sold lots of homes and land. In the Transylvania County