Vancouver WA Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - Premiere Property Group, LLC - Vancouver Washington - 88349
Vancouver WA Real Estate and Home Ownership information and news. Homes for Sale in Vancouver WA, Luxury Home Brokers. Condo Broker, Relocation to and from Vancouver Washington and Camas WA. Clark County Economic information.
*** The original posting of this report was (temporarily?) "Lost" due to a Cloud-Outage; and has been  here, and will be removed if the original is restored ***25% Fewer Homes Sold While Home Sales Price Moves Up Less than $100 for Vancouver WA in May Home sales in Vancouver WA hav...
Units-Sold Picks Up Modestly With No Change in Prices for Battle Ground WA in May 2020 With the economic restrictions slowly being eased, unit-sales of homes improved slightly over last month but, still well below last year's level. Prices held steady, and below the recent high. Here are the hig...
Unit Home Sales Show a Modest Rebound While Closed Sales Prices Retreat for Camas WA in May 2020 A bit of an up-tick took place in closed home sales for this month yet, not nearly enough to keep prices at their high-level. Here are the key points for this month's report: The Short-Term Average P...
Continued Fall in Unit Sales and Prices for Vancouver WA Condos in May 2020. With the Slow Re-opening of the Washington State economy, we are posting decreases in sales and prices for condos. However, new listings and pending sales are picking up so we'll need to watch to see what the longer ter...
25% Fewer Homes Sold While Home Sales Price Moves Up Less than $100 for Vancouver WA in May 2020. Home sales in Vancouver WA have continued to be challenged because of fewer listings and so many buyers having Income challenges. The Closed-sales Price did rise but less than $100, and we aren't ce...
Both Sales Prices & Unit Sales Decline for Vancouver WA Condos in April 2020. Both Prices and number of Units Sold declined this month, no doubt owing to the governmental ordered partial shut-down of the economy. Here are the highlights for this month: The Short term Condo Sales Price (3-Month M...
Per-Unit Home Sales Dump While Closed Sales Prices Rise Again for Camas WA in April 2020 This month the effects of the State's shut-down of non-essential travel shows Closed Sales dropping to 22 homes sold. However, we still have the residual momentum when it comes to sales Prices where Home Sal...
Homes Sold Fall With Prices Turning Downwards for Battle Ground WA in April 2020 Home / Unit-sales fell again this month as the extensive effects of the response to the virus greatly constrain activity in the home sales market. With the consistently lower number of sales, the sales-prices fell m...
Number of Homes Crashes while Home Sales Price Moves to Another New High  in Vancouver WA for April 2020. Homes for sale in Vancouver WA saw a much lower tally for number of homes sold this month; as showings were banned for a few weeks, and only now slowly coming back online. Prices for closed ...
 Vancouver and Southwest Washington's Lockbox Openings Move Up 29% at the End of April 2020!        End Of April Lockbox Openings in Southwest Washington What to observe in this Chart: When a RMLS lockbox is opened, whether for maintenance or an actual showing, an "opening-event" is recorded all...

John Slocum

Broker, SFR - Vancouver WA Real Estate
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Luxury Waterfront Condos in Vancouver WA For Sale!

Three Great Reasons Active Retirees are Moving to Vancouver WA