New look thanks to the Power of Social Networing: This post comes at 12:30 am in the morning as a result of a message intercepted on, and therefore I will be brief: Finally I got around to updating my active rain blog utilizing the blog customizer.  
That's what everybody wants to know. If you redo your kitchen, or add a deck, will it pay off when you sell the house some day? Will the investment get you more attention and money? I've though like this lately as I went through the process of renovating my blog with a new look and feel. In fact,...
"Real Buildings for Real People" – that's the theme of this year's annual Solar and Sustainability Spring Tour. Sun lovers who want to experience more than light and heat from our powerful star will be able to visit 15 properties throughout the Valley from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, April 2...
We will soon find out. You might remember that I did a post about my blog identity crisis and got some great responses to my questions. The first thing I asked about was what made a good design, what catches your eye. I thought a lot about the design question, and came to the conclusion that I w...
The Westin Kierland in Scottsdale was the place to be late last week for REALTORS® who wanted to learn from the masters about using technology, digital photography, and generally "mastering the market" in 2007. Some 400 of us showed up for the Real Estate Marketing EXPO sponsored by ...
The Phoenix area is home to enough celebrities and captains of industry that there's little notice when a high-end home sells. But you can be sure the transaction will get some media attention when there's a famous - or infamous - name attached. In this case, Mike Tyson.Tyson's home has been on ...
Not long ago, I did a post called Blog Identity Crisis and asked Active Rain bloggers to help answer six questions that I have been wrestling with about. The response was great! Since so many people took the time and effort to answer, it seemed only right to let them know how their comments have...
Is it wrong for homeowners to ask a Realtor for a CMA if they intend to sell the house themselves? That question was raised on the Future of Real Estate Marketing blog recently. For Sale By Owner (FSBO) listings are always a hot topic, and there were some predictable answers in the comments.   On...
Two recent posts got me thinking, and I ended up coming back with more questions than answers.  Colleen reminds us to keep our profiles updated, and Elaine asks how to explain blogging to a client or prospect. These two bloggers are like the college seniors who know it all, but I'm more like the...
When I joined Active Rain just a couple of months ago, I had no idea how valuable this community could be. There are so many people who are eager to share what they know and to encourage others to learn and grow as professionals. Now I'm pleased to welcome another new member who has the same help...

Christoph Schweiger

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