NYTimes Heads to Denver Colorado.Today, I was doing my daily reading and I came across Kristal Kraft. I bumped right into her. She was there with Truila, Zillow and Realtor.com. I have to say - Impressed I was. Just want to give a big shout out and let you all know that your beloved KK - Kris
I have been reading articles after articles about commissions and fee structures and hearing people say - "You can't charge THAT.." Or "Don't over charge".. I have read these articles and I have thought to myself, secretly - about the fee structures. Should I charge a set amount? Should every
You know, on Active Rain it never fails to see an agent posting a good advertising method. It could be how they send out postcards, or how the mailings that he/she did last month worked or even how great their blog/website is working for them. I see alot of agents getting "impressed with themse
My wife and I have been wanting to buy our own home for years. We find that it just keeps getting further and further away. What I don't understand is, my friends who make as much or less than my wife and I are able to buy a home. I don't think that we live extravagantly, we pay our bills on
just recently had a buyer explain to me that he does not need to do an inspection because his sister's husband's friend is a contractor and he is going to over look the house. I highly highly - I mean really advise against this. Even if you are in total agreement with the seller that you are bu
There are times that I am at a social gathering and when the topic of "what do you do for a living come up" I get the usual (gasp) "Ohh I am not selling" type of a response. Or I get a mouth full of questions, like - "how much did 234 any street sell for?" "How much would I get for my home, I
Being a full time mom and a full time office manager of a real estate firm as well as a broker associate, I find that my day consists of balance and time management. I always have to stay a day a head of myself. So yesterday I was planning for today and today I am planning for tommorrow. I nee
Brian Brady - You crack me up!Ok, This morning I was going through my stack of mail (not email, regular snail mail) and here is what I got: Advertisment for a used car; Godiva chocolate magazine (Makes for a great closing gift), Bills, bills and another bill. I also got a great advertisement for
I did not get a chance to post the CoRE #27 here today - My office was busy today and I had alot of catching up to do (ya know, you take one weekend off and EVERYTHING happens). But, when I finally got a chance to overlook some of the posts - It was brought to my attention that one of the articl
When my husband and I first got married he had already owned his own Clearview Co-op. It was a great apartment. We were on the lower level and we renovated it to the hilt. When we had our first son, it was so easy to maintain. I cleaned my house 1,2,3. At that time I was a full time stay at