My buyer agent, Kristen Houston, asked me to share this on my Active Rain Blog. We hope you find this to be useful information. Talk the TalkReal Estate Acronyms and AbbreviationsBy Kristen Houston - The Powell Team Knowing the lingo is important when buying or selling your home. Many real est
Have you had a Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Short Sale or Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure and are wondering how long you have to wait before you can obtain a new home loan? Here are the guidelines as of Februrary 2011, which I verified with a loan officer friend. Of course, every rule is made to be bro
View RSS feed close [x] UPDATE May 30, 2014 For more that 2 years USDA has been setting and then postponing the implementation date for USDA Rural Development property eligibilty maps to change. The change is part of an effort to re-define the definition of "Rural" and when it is finally impl
Here we are at the beginning of another year, a time to reflect on the past year and make plans for the year to come. Most would agree that 2013 was a year of great improvement in the US Real Estate market and are hopeful that 2014 will be a year of continued improvement. While reflecting upon
#1 Best Place to Live #9 Recession-Proof City High Foreclosure Rates? #1 Best Place to Buy Foreclosed Homes! Is it possible for one city to be America's #1 Best Place to Live on the Relocate America Top 100 Places to Live in 2008 list, #9 most Recession-Proof City in America on the Forbes.
If you or someone you know have had financial challenges such as a bankruptcy, foreclosure, short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure or consumer credit counseling, you may be wondering WHEN CAN I GET ANOTHER MORTGAGE? I get this question almost daily, so thought I would share this chart with you.
This Down Payment Assistance Program is provided through the City of Concord's Business and Neighborhood Services Division, which receives HOME Investment Partnership Funds, allocated annually through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Home buyers can receive a depreciating lo
Many people haven't heard of the FHLB (Federal Home Loan Bank) grant program for 1st time home buyers in North Carolina, so I thought I'd share information about this great program. Similar programs may be available in other states. This program is only available through member banks of the Fede
Do you have questions about the new North Carolina "Due Diligence" Offer to Purchase and Contract? If so, you're not alone! The NC Association of Realtors made dramatic changes to the standard NC Offer to Purchase and Contract, which went into effect on January 1, 2011. New terms were added, such
If you are having difficulties paying your mortgage and are considering walking away from your home, you owe it to yourself and your future to consider a short sale instead of letting the bank foreclose. Contact a Realtor who is a short sale specialist, to explain the process to you and get your