ALOHA! Hawaii Real Estate and Relocations Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Liberty Homes - RS-#62825
ALL ABOUT Hawaii Oahu Real Estate, Hawaii Relocations, Hawaii Military Move PCS, Hawaii VA Loans, Mililani Real Estate, Mililani Homes Condos, OAHU Hawaii Home Buyers. Home Sellers, Ewa Ocean Pointe, Royal Kunia, Central Oahu, Honolulu County


2007  featured article From January 1983 to present, the Kilauea Volcano has been going through an eruptive era. A new "episode" of this volcanoe's eruption is going on and this warrants a very careful watch. The events starting from Father's Day (June 17, 2007) and are almost identic...
38 Comments featured While watching the news last night I sat with amazement listening to this story. According to The Waikiki Worm Company,  the island of Oahu's wastestream is about 34% and they decided they were going to do something about it! This company was established to recycle .......
It's a cool sunny typical Hawaiian day and I stroll down to the building in my complex that Mr. "W" (The Faithful and Loyal Client) is currently in contract for. He scheduled his final walk through for this Sunday morning at 10am after he was finished with church. He also mentioned that he wanted...
WooHoo Sally is requesting from all you Active Rain members (and anybody else who would like to) to send a Happy Birthday to of my clients who is currently a US Army soldier in Iraq.I received an email from my client's mother this morning asking that all on her list send a Happy Birt...
07/20/2007 featured post Hōkūle'a (the star of gladness) is the name of the replica of the wooden sailing canoe that was used in ancient Hawaii. This vessel was created for the sole purpose of recreating the voyages of the Polynesian migration from Hawaii to the Tahitian Islands.The followi...
What if we could turn back time? Would I change anything or would I have done things differently in my Real Estate Business if I could turn back time? Through all the trials and tribulations that I have gone through up until this point in my career; is this where I am supposed to be at this place...
It never ceases to amaze me how a transaction can be going VERY smoothly and ALWAYS hit a couple of snags along the way. It will ALWAYS be up to me in how I handle the situation regarding my attitude and being proactive as a "Professional" in the Real Estate Industry. I transaction is ...
When the Great Big Giant Real Estate Boom Balloon hit Hawaii it hit HARD!  Sellers were overpricing their homes for sale and they were selling like crazy! Buyers were overbidding and there was a bidding war like you wouldn't believe! And prices kept skyrocketing and buyers kept buying and sellers...
What is your legacy? It's the footprints of our lives that we leave behind. No matter what profession, industry or company I am working for I want to leave behind a good impression; a great legacy. In my personal life with family and friends it is the same. I would love to leave a nice legacy beh...
Ahhhhh. The price we pay to live in "Paradise". How about a tour through our little townhouse and fenced in little courtyard? Hawaii is truly a scenic splendor of crystal clear blue waters, lush green mountains and valleys with gorgeous botanical scents. If you have time to view the tours then......

Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman

smartphone(808) 375-1404
local_phone(808) 625-1776
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Reading my blog will give you the human side of this Real Estate Industry Professional as well as allowing you to walk beside me through my writing about Hawaii Real Estate & our Local Area. As a resident of Honolulu County Hawaii for 42 years you will get a tour of a lifetime. Specializing in Hawaii Relocation Military VA Home Buyers you can be rest assured you will be in good hands. I LISTEN to YOUR needs and give you sound advice. Hawaii Relocations, Hawaii Military Relocations, Mililani Hawaii Real Estate, Living in Hawaii, Army Navy Air Force Marines in Hawaii. Read more at