What are your plans for Memorial Day? For many American familiies, Memorial Day Weekend signals the beginning of summer: swimming pools opening, cookouts, parties, boating, camping out, heading to the beach, etc. So, at the risk of being nosey...where will you be at 3 PM on Monday, May 26th, 200...
In my first ever attempt at blogging, I must confess how nervous and apprehensive (did I mention nervous) I am to address my new Active Rain friends. For months, I have "lurked" and spent hours and hours learning from some of the most knowledgeable, insightful, professionals in the country...but ...
Are you tired of paying rent and want to own your own home? Not sure how to go about it? Who do you talk with? What do you need to do first?In many respects, buying a home in Charleston South Carolina is all about the numbers, and to be more specific, if you have credit problems, are self-employe...