Chad's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Chad Kumpe Real Estate
Lest We Forget! My Momma told me, "It is never good to talk about religion or politics in class or in public."  I hope Momma will forgive me for breaking her rule.  We are now in the count down to the runoff for our elected officials: especially regarding who will be the Republican Congressman fr...
Look what can be obtain from the Internet!! By now a great many of us in the Real Estate industry are fully aware of the power of Social Networks. They are a large part of many Realtors' marketing efforts. The regular standbys of "Facebook", "Plaxo" and "Linkedin," I hear from daily. (I don't "Tw...
Realtor Profile of Buyers and Sellers Before analyzing the NAR profile 2009 we need to look at the current demographics of the US population by generations currently in our market.  Boomers born between 1946 and 1964 make up about 70 million people. They may buy one or two more houses in their re...
A survey is completed every year by NAR of Home Buyers and Sellers. They interview 120,000 buyers and sellers between July of the previous year and June of the current year. (This survey is now available for download at Fifty-six percent of the buyers last year were between 25 a...
                                                          Déjà Vu all over again           In the old days (before home inspectors) we Realtors carried a tool bag in our car. There was a wooden mallet for driving in those horrible wooden driver stakes that were supposed to hold up yard signs.  Th...
2010 Contracts may not be out till after Christmas! Although the 2010 Contracts may arrive just in time for the New Year, that should not present much of a problem as there were not many changes.  Four of the changes had to do with the "Broker Service Fee." It was simply removed from that paragra...
   My wife Wendy and I got back from a Real Estate Educators Convention in Portland, Oregon. It was held in Portland because the title for the conference was "Going Green." Portland is reported to be the Greenest large city in the US of A. It truly has the most LEED Certified Buildings of any maj...
I have a lot of random thoughts and a Tweet only gives you 140 characters. Not being sure how many characters each of my random thoughts would use, I decided to distribute those thoughts on good old e-mail (with emphasis on old.) The Government is sure borrowing a lot of money. Interest rates wil...
A couple of weeks ago, Wendy and I got to go to Cancun, Mexico; not to lie on the beach, but to give away Wheelchairs for Rotary and The Wheelchair Foundation.  I was impressed by the extent to which the area had gone in order to reduce their energy use in the hotels and commercial buildings. Eve...
  Almost every one knows the Golden Rule. In a large part it is the basis for our Realtor Ethics and is quoted in the Preamble to the Code. The Platinum Rule challenges us to look beyond ourselves - not to treat others as we like, but as to their preference of treatment. The only way we will know...

Chad Kumpe

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smartphone(479) 621-3683
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A view of Real Estate Activity in NWA. Comments on market trends. Up dates on Real Estate Law & regulations. Some times Rumor and Gossip. Alerts on Legislation effecting Real Estate.