While they are often not very big, Air by-passes are some of the biggest problems in the battle to make our homes more energy efficient.We spend a lot of money on expensive energy efficient heating systems and appliances to save money in the long term. However, If we don’t seal all the pathways f
This first picture is of a hot water pipe behind a wall taken with an Infrared thermometer.At lower left in the picture is my finger pointing at the line that shows in the pictures below. Any pipe in a wall with hot or cold water in it can slow up like this if the pipe is close enough to the wal
At a recent inspection I was randomly scanning the ceilings of the home with my infrared camera when I noticed an “anomaly” on the ceiling. These first two pictures are regular camera images of the ceiling and the area of the anomaly circled in red. (Please ignore my finger in the upper left---st
I dragged myself out of the crawl space all covered from head to toe in cobwebs and stuff we aren’t even going to talk about.I put the crawl space cover back in place and then got out of my coveralls and crawl space shoes and wrapped them all up in the tarp I had placed on the floor at the openin
Infrared technology is more and more showing up in Home Inspector’s tool boxes. The technology can be very useful in conjunction with other tools in that box in assessing the conditions within and outside a building. Some of the applications are the detection of heat loss, moisture damage, air le
Before anyone can leave a comment on my blog on my website, there are hoops the commenters must jump through.These hoops are designed to reduce the number of spam comments but also so that I can have some amount of control over trolls and other evil beings that apparently have nothing better to d
Among one of the fairly recent changes to the look of the ActiveRain Website, there is an Orange bar at the top of the "Stats" page labeled “Lifetime Stats” with some interesting numbers on it.While the number of posts seems straightforward and even understandable, there is one number that seems
This is something to think about the next time you are in the favorite no-tell-motel.The picture above show the door to my motel room at a recent vacation.It looks like a normal door but if you look close there is something odd about the door. Can you see what it is? Here is a closer view.Can you