December and the Holidays are upon us so take a moment and visit this months Home Savvy E-zine and get a few ideas to make your Holiday a little brighter.Jerome & Ginnie Cartier
Cartier Fine Home Inspections is inviting you to our "Open House". Come by and visit sometime during the Holidays. "We'd just love to hear from ya!"Serving the Gulf Coast, from Mobile to Pensacola.Jerome and Ginnie Cartier(251)490-3212
Cartier Fine Home Inspections invites you to visit our Home Savvy Ezine. Ginnie and I are so Thankful to be apart of this growing Network. May God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving.Please choose us for a "Quality" Home Inspection on the Alabama Gulf Coast! Jerome and Ginnie Cartier(251)4
It was to hot to go outside yesterday so I took out my DVD of "FACING THE GIANTS" and popped it in the DVD player as I worked on letters and emails. I was fortunate to be able to see this movie premier in Montgomery, Alabama some time back. I highly recommend this movie.There is an illustration
My truck themometer was 101. The dress code in LA (Lower Alabama) has now become shorts. "Well, my wife thinks I have great looking legs?" Anyway, I inspected a 100 hundred year old house with a stairway leading into the attic. My Infrared Themometer read 146 degrees and this was a cloudy day. My
Ginnie an Me have traveled to Panama City, Florida for the weekend. A few days off with the family. The wind is cool and the water is fairly calm as we ride around on the Golf Cart. I brought my fishing gear but I have have taken on a Spring cold and feel pretty rotten at the moment. Drugs are wo
I was called back to my home town, Satsuma, Alabama, to do an Inspection this past Saturday afternoon. For your information, we have a Steel Mill coming to town. We also have a NASCAR racing facility with six tracks headed our way. My Realtor friend said Real Estate is breaking loose. The prospec
This past May 9th, my Mother passed away 40 years ago. I can still picture this 5 ft. 4 inch lady who loved to sing. Me and her sang a duet together when I was 12. I'll never forget that night. She saw that I went to church every Sunday and she took me. She was the personal secretary of the Pres
What a nice Cottage. Close to the Bay. The Cottage was a rebuild. They kept the framing, hardwood flooring and doors. There were very few problems that would make a Home Inspection Report juicy, you know, a Realtors nightmare. The home was around 1300 sq. ft., I could sell my children and it woul
I received a call from a client who was interested in buying old houses in Mobile. He needed an inspection as soon as possible. He was dealing with a seller out of California. I made an appointment to meet him last Friday afternoon. He walked me across the street from his business where a house s