Boca Raton Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Agent - Champagne & Parisi
CREDIT SCORESFICO credit scores are typically used by lenders and credit companies to determine your ability to pay back loans and other debt before they decide whether they will issue you credit. They will look at your payment history, length of history, amount of credit issued and outstanding a...
In celebration of Earth Day this week, I wanted to share some simple energy and earth saving tips for your home:USE COMPACT FLUORESCENTS OR LED LIGHTS    We can all save energy inside and outside our homes by replacing traditional light bulbs with new compact fluorescent or LEDS. They are more ex...
Great news for Realtors and developers in South Florida! There are more potential buyers and sales are starting to gather momentum. A recent article in the Palm Beach Post stated that one real estate agency sold 20 homes in the Valencia Pointe community, which caters to active adults. In addition...

Caesar Parisi

Champagne & Parisi
local_phone(561) 715-8630
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View the finest real estate that South Florida has to offer in Boca Raton , Florida. Boca Raton is well know for it's country club , waterfront , estate homes and condos.