Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) introduced a bill to eliminate the HAMP program citing that "HAMP is a colossal failure". This comes on the heals of another bill that was introduced to elimante funding to HUD. It would appear to me that this is just
This is a very complex issue to be sure so I read (and forward) any interesting article about the impending decision on the future of Freddie and Fannie. This particular article has some easy to understand explanations of the problem and offers at least one possible solution. It appears that lend
This short article does not offer a lot of details but it is interesting to note that this is occuring in a non judicial state. The courts ruled against a similar injunction in the state of Utah in 2010 but it makes me wonder if this is the start of a wave of lawsuits against lenders. I don't beg
I ran across this article and it got my juices going because it is my number one pet peeve I have with my "peers". I don't know about the areas that you work in, but the Greater Phoenix area, Maricopa Arizona in particular, is a perfect example of realtors (and I use the term lightly) being eithe
The mega search engine Google has announced that it will take down the real estate listings from Google Maps on February 10, 2011. I have utilized Google Maps very much but apparently a number of real estate companies have built search models based on it. Is this going to affect any of you Rainma
This article announced that HUD has extended the suspension of the FHA Anti Flip rule. This rule prohibited the FHA from insuring a mortgage on homes that were owned by the seller for less than 90 days. It was passed in efforts to speed to sale of foreclosed homes. The suspension has been extende
This article mentions a program that I was not aware of. I am all for assisting those in distress but is this the way to do it? First of all, my best guess is that the many of the homeowners that are assisted will end up walking away from their home anyway. This will just be buying them some addi
Every week I post the latest numbers for the housing market in Maricopa Arizona. Trends continue to develop but not necessarily the ones I am expecting. ACTIVE: 754, down from 784. Inventory of subdivision homes for sale fell almost 4% in the past week. This is the tenth straight week that the vl
Though this article is written regarding the housing market in San Diego, the writer brings up a few points about the market outlook in general. Since there are so many different "takes" on what will happen in 2011, I normally do not forward opionionated articles like this. But in this case, I fe
Start the week off with a wrap up of the weekend news, brough to you by Housing Wire. Topics include: MERS chairman resigns The government extends decision on GSEs (Freddie and Fannie) until mid FEB More banks are closed