League City, TX Realtors

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Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX 1st Class - 0542725
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League City Weather Advisory - There is a chance of large hail or snow tomorrow! I guess that would be an exciting way to start February.  The projected low for tomorrow according to the weather channel is 24 degrees.  Sounds more like Canada to me. In the south, we need to take careful precautio...
KUHF's Elaine Kennedy appears at The Bay Area Chorus of Greater Houston Major Works Concert. Houston, Texas--Elaine Kennedy, KUHF Morning Show host, will appear as a special guest at the2011 Major Works Concert presented by the Bay Area Chorus of Greater Houston. Accompanied by a professional orc...
LEAGUE CITY WINTER WEATHER WATCH Many people had frozen pipes last year -- mainly sprinklers. Don't forget to wrap your sprinkler's backflow preventer valve. Ordinary bubble wrap will suffice. Keep your pools running tonight. And it would be a great idea to drip a couple of faucets!! -- and perha...
Call The Brian Worrell Team, League City Realtors at 281-948-7042! 2221 Formentera in Mar Bella - League City's Resort-Style Neighborhood! Visit the website - www.MarBellaLeagueCity.com So many upgrades at a great price makes this Taylor Morrison a MUST SEE- Better than new. CCISD Education Villa...

League City, TX - Worrell Team, REALTORS, GRI, CNE

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Author Bio: Brian Worrell, leader of the Worrell Team, is a Realtor specializing in League City, Clear Lake and surrounding areas in the SE Houston Metro area, also known as the Houston Bay Area. Brian grew up in the Houston area and received a BBA in Marketing from the University of Houston. He and his team strive to provide their clients high-end service in order to gain advantages through unique marketing techniques that have proven effective: cutting edge technology, search-engine optimized web marketing, formal negotiation training, commercial and economic understanding of their clients’ best interests, professional photography, access to legal counsel, as well as other services and techniques that are unique in the industry.

League City and Clear Lake Realtors

© 2004 - 2011 The Brian Worrell Team, Realtors in League City and Clear Lake, TX - 281-948-7042. All Rights Reserved.