Brian's Ontario Real Estate Blog

Commercial Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage (Toronto)



Commercial Bond Yields CMB 5 Year - 1.76%* CANHOU 12/15/24 [-0.01]   ‌ 10 Year - 1.91% CANHOU 09/15/29 [-]   * denotes interpolated rate GoC 5 Year - 1.41% CAN 2.25 03/01/24 [-0.02]   ‌ 10 Year - 1.48% CAN 2.0 06/01/28 [-0.01] GOC Bonds are for reference purposes only Floating rate insured cost ...
Contractual duties arise upon acceptance and formation of a contract. There is then an obligation of "good faith contractual performance". Upon execution of an Agreement, we have a “firm and binding” contract. Frequently, and very casually, people may refer to the step to further the contract by ...
HIGH RATIO fixed term best discounted rates & posted rates as of June 27, 2019 Terms                           Posted Rates                 Our Rates 6 mos                          3.34%                          3.30%1 year                          3.59%                          3.04%2 year      ...
TERM POSTED Preferred RATES* Open 1 Year 6.30% 6.30% Fixed 1 Year 3.59% 3.19% Fixed 2 Year 3.74% 3.14% Fixed 3 Year 3.89% 2.89% Fixed 4 Year 3.94% 3.14% Fixed 5 Year 5.34% 2.79% Fixed 7 Year 5.80% 3.14% Fixed 10 Year 6.10% 3.19% Variable Rate 2.90% Prime Rate 3.95% Benchmark Rate 5.34% Cost per ...
Term Posted Rate Preferred Rate Open 1 Year 6.30% 6.30% Fixed 1 Year 3.59% 3.19% Fixed 2 Year 3.74% 3.14% Fixed 3 Year 3.89% 2.89% Fixed 4 Year 3.94% 3.14% Fixed 5 Year 5.34% 2.79% Fixed 7 Year 5.80% 3.14% Fixed 10 Year 6.10% 3.19% Variable 2.90% Prime 3.95% Benchmark 5.34%
Commercial Bond Yields CMB 5 Year - 1.73%* CANHOU 12/15/24 [+0.05]   ‌ 10 Year - 1.91% CANHOU 09/15/29 [+0.05]   * denotes interpolated rate GoC 5 Year - 1.37% CAN 2.25 03/01/24 [+0.05]   ‌ 10 Year - 1.47% CAN 2.0 06/01/28 [+0.05] GOC Bonds are for reference purposes only Floating rate insured c...
Furnace Liens in OntarioQuestion:Would a XYZ furnace rental contract appear on the parcel register?Answer:The furnace on the truck on the driveway is a chattel. Once it's taken downstairs and installed, it's a fixture. XYZ Company loses all its rights with respect to the furnace, excepting: 1) a ...
 Non- Disclosure of the MurderA recent decision of the BC Court of Appeal confirmed that a Seller did not have to volunteer the fact that a murder had taken place.. There’s actually nothing new. The trial decision was out of step with other cases, so now they are all aligned. There are separate a...
Registration of Agreement of Purchase and Sale (Ontario)Question:The Sellers have refused to cooperate and move out as scheduled. Is it possible to register the Agreement of Purchase and Sale on title to prevent them from selling to anyone else?Answer:Unfortunately, the Buyers cannot register the...
Anti- Merger Clause When the deal is over, it’s finished. The contract has come to an end. It’s been completed and fulfilled.The “doctrine of merger” which is a legal concept applies, and prevents going back and checking on the old contract to see what’s still outstanding or what could have been ...

Brian Madigan

LL.B., Broker
local_phone(416) 745-2300
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Markets, Finance and Law related to real estate, estate planning and personal financial investment opportunities